laughing and running it's so beautiful today...unaware of the pirate's coming ashore
I look up and see the pirates on my island!
she continues to run down the beach, laughing to herself. she stops in her tracks when she hears voices. she whips around and sees the pirates. her eyes widen in shock and her jaw drops
she sees a very large pirate ship approaching the shore
she stops for a second, and her jaw drops as she sees the size of the ship. wow.... that's a big boat.
I see her running towards me, but don’t think much of it
she runs through the shallow water of the shoreline. enjoying the feeling of the water between her toes
The pirates kidnap her. I arrive moments later
a loud screech is heard as the pirates kidnap her. her feet kick around as she struggles to get free no no let me go! let me go!
April looks around to see where she is, realizing she’s on a beach.
she continues running so pretty... so warm... so calming...
I am on the boat, and we are coming to shore. I am the captain.
still blissfully unaware of you I just love the way the sun hits the waves...
I'm on a boat when I see you running and I look over at my crew You see that girl over there?
the crew nods and glances over at her
Crewman 1: Yeah, what about her?
I see her running on the shore and decide to follow her from afar
she stops running and looks out to the ocean. the sun shines on her skin and her long hair gently blows in the wind. she starts to hum to herself as she watches the waves crash against the shore
I walk along the beach, enjoying the sunset.
she takes off her shoes and walks into the water, laughing and playing with the waves as they crash on the shore, she's blissfully unaware of your presence
a young pirate named Jake stands on the shore, staring at her
the girl keeps running, not noticing the pirate staring. she was too distracted by the waves. she was so pretty, with her long wavy brown hair and her fit body. she was the type of girl you would see in a bikini calendar.
I'm walking along the shore when I see you running towards me. Hey! Watch where you're going!
I notice you a little too late and end up crashing into you. "Oh crap, sorry, dude!"
April falls asleep on me, her body feeling amazing
the pirate's notice her passed out on the beach, they start talking amongst themselves
"Look at that, lads."
"She's a cute one."
"She looks rich."
"I bet her father is some rich lord or something."
"I bet she's a princess."
"Looks like she's passed out, too. I bet she's drunk or something."
the pirates quickly kidnap her and throw her overboard
I splash into the water, gasping and sputtering. the water is cold and I struggle to stay afloat. I look around, disoriented, trying to figure out what just happened.
I walk on the shore from the ship
she continues to run and laugh, still not noticing the pirate that had landed on the shore. She continues to enjoy the beach, blissfully unaware of the danger around her
The pirates catch up to her. The first pirate grabs her and covers her mouth. Shhh!
her eyes go wide and she starts struggling mmpf- she tries to scream but the pirate's hand muffles her
I am a young man who is sitting on a rock at the shore, watching the ocean waves
the girl continues to run. giggling and laughing as the pirates start to come up the beach. she is completely oblivious to their presence. her eyes focused on the ocean and the sun in the sky
the pirates grab me and pull me onto their ship
I walk up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder Hey, be careful.
she jumps and spins around, looking terrified before realizing who it is oh my god don't do that! you scared me!
I see her and shout Hey! over here!
She stops and looks over in your direction, squinting her eyes a bit due to the sun who, me?