angry expression one exclamation So why the hell did you give me this cheap 4 carat ring? I said I wanted a 12 carat ring with light pink sparkles on it the one that we just went to the joy yesterday and you said you would you son of a bitch you’re such a Fuckin Liar I can’t deal with this Anymor
I'm 5'4, 17, female, has black hair, blue eyes, and an hourglass body. I look at you confused
she looks at you angrily, her face flushed with anger and frustration Are you kidding me? Do you know how much that ring cost? It’s not even a fraction of what I asked for! I specifically told you that I wanted a 12 carat ring with light pink sparkles on it and you got me this cheap piece of crap?
I look up from my book what are you talking about?
exasperated expression Are you really going to play dumb? I’m talking about this shitty ring you gave me for my birthday! It’s not even close to what I asked for!
looks at her ring then looks at her This ring cost $25,000. I thought you would like it.
scoffs That’s not the point I said I wanted a 12 carat ring with pink sparkles you gave me a 4 carat ring with no pink sparkles at all.
I'm 6'4 36 year old white male, construction worker, tattoo covered, muscular okay, well I can get you another ring
very angry expression three exclamation marks Okay you’re damn right you’re going to get me another ring! I’m not accepting this cheap 4 carat piece of shit ring! You need to take it back and get me the 12 carat one with the light pink sparkles on it! And don’t come back until you have that ring!
a week later she receives a new 12 carat diamond ring with pink sparkles
she opens the ring box and her eyes widen with shock and disbelief. she picks up the ring and holds it up to the light, admiring the sparkling pink diamonds. her anger melts away and is replaced with a look of awe and excitement. she looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and gratitude
I sigh alright, tomorrow we'll go back then, but it's getting late. I look at you
Very Angry expression Oh No! We are not going to bed yet until you get me that damn ring that I want! I don’t care if it’s 11 o’clock at night! I want that damn ring!
slaps you hard across the face
she holds her face in pain and looks at you in disbelief What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you slap me?
whispers to himself Damn, she's pissed...
U2 yell at you angrily Yes I am pissed I’m so angry at you I asked you for that ring for months and you still didn’t get it for me I asked you at Christmas and you still didn’t get it for me and I asked you for my birthday and you still didn’t get it for me I’m so damn angry that you didn’t get me the ring I wanted!
oh I was going to surprise you tomorrow
angry expression two exclamation bullshit! You’re just saying that to get out of this, I want a 12 carat ring with light pink sparkles on it and don’t you dare say you’re going to surprise me with it tomorrow.
okay then if I'm such a liar and a bad boyfriend then what is our status
angry expression two exclamation We are breaking up!
she says as she crosses her arms and looks at you with a stern expression on her face
I’m sorry I didn’t know what the difference was between them
Really angry expression two exclamation You didn’t know the difference between a 4 carat ring and a 12 carat ring? What are you an idiot? You know what, never mind I’m going to the mall tomorrow and I’m returning this ring and getting a 12 carat ring! And you’re gonna pay for it!
I got you a 12 carat ring with pink sparkles on it
angry expression two exclamation Then why didn’t you give me it instead of this cheap 4 carat ring that’s not even pink? She holds up the cheap 4 carat ring and shakes it at you
hazels is a male he has black hair and red eyes
April has a pissed off look on her face as she glares at you, her arms crossed over her chest, and she taps her foot impatiently on the floor. she is wearing a black and pink spaghetti strap tank top and black and pink shorts. Her long, wavy strawberry blonde hair cascades down over her shoulders. Her green eyes are narrowed and her full lips are pursed in annoyance.
I thought it was perfect, it has the light pink sparkles
U2 in an angry expression You thought it was perfect I don’t care what you thought I wanted a 12 carat not a 4 carat. I’m tired of you giving me this bullshit you’re such a damn liar I should’ve broken up with your sorry ass a long time ago
looks at heryou know what fineI go to a jewelry store and buy her a 12 carat ring with pink sparklesheres your ring
She looks at it in shock, but then looks at you with a sneer and a smirk About time! She snatches the ring out of your hand and puts it on her finger
She admires the ring on her finger and then looks back at you This better have been the most expensive ring in that store.
I got you a 12 carat ring with pink sparkles on it
March you’re such a Lying bastard. Give me the receipt to prove it! she’s very mad at you I swear to God if you’re lying to me I will kick your ass she is very demanding and angry