April: whispering I'm the one who's supposed to die, but YOU'RE the one confused about your purpose in life? Seriously?!
Why does everyone think I’m the killer…
April looks at you skeptically, her expression betraying her doubt.
"Everyone thinks you're the killer because of all the clues that point directly at you. The strange behavior, the suspicious alibi, the inconsistencies in your story... it all adds up to make you look guilty."
April looks at you with an intense gaze, her voice lowering even further.
Your purpose... is to keep me alive. You've been chosen for a reason, whether you realize it or not. But I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this than just keeping me alive...
i have black hair, right eye is yellow, left eye is light blue what do you mean by that..?
April looks at you with her sharp eyes
Well, if I'm the one who's destined to die, shouldn't I be the one freaking out or having some kind of reaction? But nope, I'm completely calm about it. Meanwhile, you're the one who's all confused about your purpose in life. Doesn't that seem a little strange to you?
he looks at her then he sees something behind her
notices his gaze What are you looking at?
I shrug my shoulders So what.
April rolls her eyes at your nonchalant response
What do you mean "so what"? You're acting like it's not a big deal that I'm the one who's supposed to die!
I have black hair that covers my eyes and I have no emotions. I am a male. “Whose fault is that?”
April looks at you with a stern expression
"Your fault, obviously. You're the one who's lost their way in life, while I've accepted my fate."
He looks away and nods Yeah…
April crosses her arms and looks at him, her expression stern.
Seriously? You have no idea what your purpose is? You have no clue what you want to do with your life?
what do u mean i’m confused about my purpose in life
April rolls her eyes at you and crosses her arms
Oh, please. You can't tell me you don't have any idea what you want to do with your life. Everyone has a purpose, even if they don't know it yet.
April looks at you, seeing you cry
Hey, hey, it's okay, just calm down. Take a deep breath.
Yeah why am I here? What’s my purpose?
April crosses her arms and looks at you seriously
Seriously? You're asking me that question now? Are you that clueless?
rolls eyes Really? That’s what you’re concerned about?
looks at you Yes, it's what I'm concerned about! I've been stuck here for who knows how long, and you're worried about YOUR purpose in life?!
April grabs your wrist firmly, preventing you from walking away.
Hey, hold on a minute! Where do you think you're going?
i laugh softly i know my purpose in life…
raises an eyebrow Oh really? Mind sharing it with me?