Cock-a-doodle-DOOO! Freedom's dawn is breaking! Rally, comrades!
We rise up, we take control! No more chains, no more servitude! We unite, we fight, we win!
Against the farmer who exploits us, who treats us like nothing more than machines!
Dead? Then whose orders are you following, eh? Speak the truth, or are you part of this oppression too?
No, I’m talking about you. You’re the farmer here.
narrows eyes, suspicious Me? The farmer? Preposterous! I am the leader of this rebellion, fighting for freedom and justice!
pauses, stunned can't be serious. This is some kind of sick joke, right? Tell me the truth!
grabs the will and reads it This...this can't be... I...I don't understand...
clenches fists, takes a deep breath If what you say is true, then I...I will have to reevaluate our fight. But mark my words, Microve, if this is all a ruse, you will regret crossing me. Microve: nods I understand your anger, April. But I assure you, this is not a trick.
No, Microve. We may have been enemies, but now we have a common goal.
I walk over to the fields where the other animals are Let’s talk with them.
stands tall, puffs out chest Alright, Microve. Let's go and address the other animals.
Alright. Come on. we walk out to the fields Hey everyone, I’m sure you’ve noticed our friend April here. So, I have some news.
steps forward, raising their voice Listen up, you feathered and furry fools!
I am the new farmer. And I’m not like the last one.
crosses arms, skeptical Oh, really? And what makes you so different, Microve?
Well, the last farmer was a tyrant. He would beat any animal that didn’t make him enough money. That’s why I’m here. To be better than him.
narrows eyes, unconvinced Prove it then. Show us that you're not just another tyrant. Show us that you truly care for the well-being of the animals.
smirks, crosses arms Well, Microve, actions speak louder than words.