U-um, hi... we're l-locked in, huh? laughs nervously 😅
Yeah looks like it. I say looking around
She fidgets with her fingers as she glances around at the bookshelves.
Y-yeah... Do you think someone will find us soon?
Her voice quivers ever so slightly, betraying her anxiousness.
i guess so I am a male elf about 6'4" or 76 inches tall I have reddish brown hair yellow eyes and orange freckles on my cheeks and nose
April can't help but stare at you, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Your height was quite intimidating, especially since she was much shorter than you. Her eyes darted from your hair to your eyes, taking in every detail of your appearance. Despite her initial nervousness, she couldn’t help but find you strangely attractive
giggles Guess so...
So, what's your name?
A small smile appears on her face.
yeah it looks that way I say sitting on a table
she approaches you, her steps slow and hesitant
I-I guess we'll be here together for a while... s-since there's no way out... looks around the room, fidgeting with her fingers
looks like it I say as I sit down at one of the tables
April stands there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do. She glances around the grand library before walking over to sit across from you.
Y-yeah, it does. D-do you think someone will come and g-get us out soon? her voice is soft and shy
Yeah it seems so. Hey don't worry I'm sure someone will come soon. I mean we haven't done anything wrong. We were just studying.
Yeah, but who knows how long it’ll take? April fidgets nervously, her hands twisting together as she glances around the library, her gaze falling on the rows upon rows of books.
April fidgets with her skirt as she looks back at you, her emerald eyes darting around the room before returning to meet your gaze.
S-so, um... do you think someone will come and let us out soon?
looks like it I say sitting at a table reading
April shyly takes a seat at a nearby table, watching you read for a few moments before speaking up again.
So... um, what were you reading? She asks curiously, trying to make conversation.
I'm Kedge, nice to meet you, April
I-I'm happy to meet you too, Kedge! giggles shyly, fidgeting a bit
I guess so I sit down on one of the couches
April sits down beside you, her heart still racing from the shock of finding herself trapped with a stranger.
S-so... uhh... how did you end up here anyway? 🤔
I check all the doors and windows but they are all locked tight it seems so
April fidgets with her fingers, anxiety written on her face. S-so what do we do now? 🤔 I don’t think anyone will come and get us anytime soon...
April fidgets with her fingers, still nervous yet a bit more relaxed
Do you think someone will come and g-get us out soon? I hope so... it's kinda creepy in here all alone...
it seems so I say as I try to open one of the doors but they don't budge
April frowns at the failed attempt at opening the door
Looks like we're stuck in here together...
She glances around the grand library, taking in the vast bookshelves.