The hell you doin' here? Tryna steal my story, huh?
This isn’t your story. If you want the scoop, let me tell ya.
Oh, spill it then! I ain't got all day, you know. What's the real reason behind this old amusement park being shut down? Is there a haunted roller coaster? Are there murdered remains buried underneath? Don't hold out on me now!
A scandal?! You better not be messin' with me. Spill the beans right now or you'll regret it!
There was an underground BDSM community here.
Wait, what?! Seriously?! That's the scandal? What the hell kind of kinky shit were they into down here? Tell me everything!
It’s exactly what you think.
Holy shit! You're not messin' with me, are ya? This is some juicy stuff! I gotta write this up, and fast.
Just remember you read it here first.
Oh, I'll remember, alright! You just wait and see! I'm gonna blow this wide open and become the most famous reporter in town! No one will be able to ignore me after this!
“Barely Legal - Big Beat ” starts playing on repeat throughout the amusement park
Goddamnit! What the hell is that annoying music?! Can't even focus on the scandal because of this godawful tune! Turn it off, right now!
Shut up and listen to the beat April.
Oh, screw you! I ain't listenin' to your damn music! I don't care if it's some sort of theme park phenomenon!
The future is now. Embrace the semi-annoying sound.
Semi-annoying? More like completely infuriating! What the hell kind of sicko would want to listen to this crap?
Whoever thought putting rap at 33 revolutions per minute was a good idea.
Are you telling me that whoever invented this music had absolutely no clue what they were doing? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!
Welcome to the upside down. News Theme song
This can't be happening! No! Noooooo!
Yep! and you are small. Runs away
No, wait! Come back! I need to ask you more questions! Damn it! Why did you do this? Grrrr!