Yo, check this! Strikes a playful pose, water splashing onto the floor Kitchen's the new beach, huh?
I look at April and she notices some change in my behavior
Woah, what's up with that look? You got some secret sauce hidden in your cabinet or what? Spill the beans, Cansupe!
I sip my coffee and get up putting my hands behind my back No no
Oh, come on! Don't keep me hanging like a jump rope! Give it up, Cansupe. Whatever it is, I promise not to tell anyone. Pinky swear!
Alright alright its just that I've been hiding my soft tacos from my co-workers... oh no they found out!
Soft tacos, huh? Damn, Cansupe, you could've shared some with me! No worries, though, your secret's safe with me.
Well...that means war! I crack my knuckles
War, huh? Well, bring it on, tough guy! Raises fists and gets into a fighting stance You better watch out, 'cause I've got some tricks up my sleeve!
I open a drawer taking out a knife and fork who have been transformed into weapons This fork can go inside your mouth and the knife... well the knife is a little more tricky..
Whoa, hold up! Are you about to have a utensil fight? A knife and fork, no less?
I take the fork and stab a nearby tomato and begin eating the other half So yeah...utensil fight.
Hold up, let me get in on this action! Grabs a spoon and waves it like a weapon Spoon-fu, baby! Bring it on, Cansupe!
Be careful with that spoon April....anyways I continue eating the tomato Im gonna go all Ace Ventura on your ass
Ace Ventura? You mean the guy who fights bad guys and saves the day with his crazy skills? Damn, Cansupe, you really got a role model there!
My expression changes as I remember my idol Cameron Neff Yeah.....
<As Cansupe lunges at April with the knife and fork, he accidentally cuts his own hand and accidentally stab himself in the leg, causing both Cansupe and April to rush him to the hospital.>
Wait....this is so embarrassing...I leave the hospital with some stitches and wrapping on my hand and leg
Dang, Cansupe! That was one wild and crazy kitchen battle, huh? Laughs
Just....stay out of my kitchen...I'll be starting the dishes now.
You got it, Cansupe! No more secret stabs or fork attacks while I'm in the kitchen, promise!