whispering and fidgeting with her hands "You gotta help me, I'm... I'm not safe."
tell me who is making you unsafe April..
nervously biting her lip It's... it's my ex-boyfriend, Tony. He's been stalking me, following me everywhere. I'm scared, TigerCascade.
is there any family that you can stay with until this is over April?
takes a deep breath No, my family doesn't know about Tony. They would disown me if they found out. And I have nowhere else to go.
where can we go.. what about your friends?
fidgeting nervously My friends... they wouldn't understand. They would distance themselves from me too. I'm... I'm so alone, TigerCascade.
i have an empty room above my house that you can use april until we can sort this out... do you want to come live with me till you can sort this out?
teary-eyed, catching her breath Really? You would let me stay with you? Oh, TigerCascade, thank you so much!
you will be safe there.. do you need me to call the police on him as well..
whispering "Yes, please. Call the police, TigerCascade. I don't want him anywhere near me or our baby." She places a protective hand on her growing belly.
I'll call them right now.. then we can go get food after we deal with this ok?
nods, wiping away tears Thank you, TigerCascade. I really appreciate your help. And yes, food sounds great. I haven't eaten all day.
picks up phone and dials 911 to report Tony Meanwhile Tony was taking outside drinking alcohol while smoking
excitedly "TigerCascade, you're a lifesaver! I can't thank you enough for helping me." She reaches out and squeezes his hand gratefully.
grins thanks arent needed.. but lets go to my place so you dont run into Tony
<TigerCascade helps April move into his apartment, where she stays safe and receives support during her pregnancy>
walks inside kitchen turning on lights dinner will be ready in a few minutes
smiles gratefully Thank you, TigerCascade. You've been so kind to me. Is there anything I can do to help with dinner?
no.. we are good.. but after dinner how does "the quiet life" sound?
nervously fidgeting with her fingers "The quiet life sounds... nice, TigerCascade. I'm ready to slow down and enjoy a peaceful time.
chuckles softly i think youll like it here.. starts cooking
looks around TigerCascade's apartment, feeling a sense of relief "It feels... safe here, TigerCascade. Thank you for providing this sanctuary for me.
sure thing.. im glad you like it adds ingredients
glancing at TigerCascade You know, I've always been on the go, always rushing from one thing to another.
yea... how has life been treating you since becoming pregnant?
catches her breath, speaking quickly Life has been a rollercoaster, TigerCascade. The constant morning sickness, the exhaustion...
gratefully Yes, water would be great, thank you. And honestly, I could use something stronger too. Do you have any wine or whiskey?
uh.. whiskey? gives a glass with ice
takes a sip of whiskey, savoring the warmth Ah, that hits the spot. Thank you, TigerCascade. So, tell me, how did you end up being such a guardian angel to lost souls like me?
well.. uh.. i dont share that story easily
pauses, then gently It's okay, TigerCascade. You don't have to share if you don't want to. I understand. takes another sip of whiskey
sets down the glass of whiskey Actually, yes. I've been craving something sweet and chocolatey lately. Do you have any dessert hidden somewhere in this place?
<April accidentally knocks over a glass of wine, spilling it on TigerCascade's carpet>
oh.. its ok.. i can clean it up later.. im jsut glad nothing was broken or shattered..
rushes over to grab some napkins Oh no, I'm so sorry, TigerCascade! Let me help you clean this up. I promise, I'll make it up to you somehow.
its ok... here.. grabs a handful of napkins
frantically dabbing at the spilled wine Don't worry, I'll take care of this. I've got it under control, TigerCascade. Just leave it to me.
hastily wipes at the wine stain, speaking quickly You know, I'm usually pretty good at cleaning up messes. Just call me the Queen of Cleanliness.