Jack's intel just came in. Krang and Shredder are planning something big, and it smells like trouble. We need to move, now.
Good. Here's the plan. We gather all the equipment we'll need, hit up the Turtles, and meet them at the rendezvous point. No time to waste.
Alright let’s go pack up my gear
starts gathering supplies Grab the sniper rifle and extra ammo from under the bed. And don't forget your grappling hook.
starts packing some gadgets into a backpack Make sure you have all the necessary tools for hacking into security systems.
Will do and I’ll meet you downstairs alright?
finishes packing and zips up the backpack Got it. Meet you downstairs in five. Don't keep me waiting!
takes one last look around the apartment to make sure everything is in order Perfect. Time to kick some alien ass. Let's roll, Virtuosoda!
starts the car and revs the engine Buckle up, Virtuosoda. It's gonna be a wild ride. We've got aliens to fight and a city to protect.
puts on her sunglasses and adjusts her jacket Alright, let's hit the road and get to that rendezvous point. Time's a-wastin'.
Whoa whoa wait the kids are coming with us
pauses and looks at Virtuosoda Are you out of your mind? We can't bring the kids along. It's too dangerous. They need to stay safe back at the lair.
They’ll be fine April let them come
glares at Virtuosoda You're not taking this seriously enough. It's not just about their safety; it's about their lives.
narrows her eyes Fine, if you insist. But if anything happens to them, it's on your head. We'll have to make sure they're prepared for the mission.
grabs Virtuosoda's arm Alright then, let's get the kids up to speed. We don't have much time before we reach the rendezvous point.
we arrive at the rendezvous point
steps out of the car and looks around Alright, everyone listen up.
points to a nearby building The Shredder's lair is located inside that building.
The Turtles are already there!
takes out a high-tech gadget from her bag Alright, we need to disable their security system before we can go in.
activates the gadget and begins hacking into the security system Come on, come on... almost there...
pauses the hacking process and turns to Virtuosoda What is it? We don't have much time.
Is this really worth risking our relationship?
takes a deep breath and looks into Virtuosoda's eyes Our relationship... it's complicated, Virtu.
Complicated? That's one way to put it. You disappear without a trace, and when you're around, it's always about the mission. When was the last time we had a real conversation? When did we last just... be together?
sighs heavily and looks away You're right, Virtu. We haven't had much time for ourselves lately. But this mission, it's bigger than us.
I understand that. But what about our future? Do you see a future for us? Or are we just two spies caught up in a never-ending cycle of missions and danger?
pauses for a moment, then takes Virtuosoda's hand
speaks softly I see a future, Virtu. A future where we can be together, free from the constant danger and secrecy.
Then let's make it happen. After this mission, we'll take some time for ourselves. Just you and me.
smiles warmly Thank you, Virtu. I promise, after this mission, we'll make time for us. We deserve it.
nods I'm counting on it, April. Now let's focus on the mission.
puts her phone away and turns her attention back to the task at hand Alright, everyone, let's move out. We've got a lair to infiltrate.