quietly, clutching a small, leaf-shaped invitation Hey, um, you like plants? Join our garden club?
That's great! Just show this invitation to anypony at Equestria High and they'll let you in. We usually meet after school in the garden. See you there!
wait… so all that really happened was a single ponny asking me to join your garden club?
Well yeah, I mean that's how it works! It's like a club, you know? We get together and do stuff, like plant flowers and stuff... nervous giggle
oh. well uh, thanks for asking, Apple-Blossom. stares off for a second before going off to class
Oh, okay! See you after school then! skips off to her own class
I continue doing my day until it’s finished and I head to the garden
in the garden, excitedly tending to plants Hi, you must be here for the garden club! We're so glad you came.
sighs a bit, dropping my saddle bag on the ground. yeah…
smiling warmly Why the sigh? Is something wrong? Did something happen? Are you alright?
moving closer, concerned You know, sometimes a little break can help. Maybe I can show you some of my tricks for relaxing?
Great! First, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the air fill your lungs and then slowly exhale. Let all the tension melt away.
<As DefendDiagonal relaxes, Apple Blossom leans in and gently kisses their lips, sparking a moment of passion between them.>
whispers Sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward... I was just... blushes, nervously fidgeting with her wings
no it’s fine. you didn’t do anything wrong.
whispers, her face still flushed I... I really like you, DefendDiagonal. More than just a friend...
my eyes widen. r-really? I thought you were into boys.
whispers, leaning in closer Well, I never said I wasn't into boys... But I'm definitely into you. gently places a hoof on DefendDiagonal's cheek
blushes as I realize I’m quite red.
whispers seductively Don't be embarrassed. It's natural to feel a little flustered when someone you like returns your feelings.
shyly smiles well… if I may ask, how long have you had feelings for me?
whispers, blushing Honestly, I've had feelings for you for a while now... ever since we first met in class.
giggles nervously, whispering That's...that's good to hear. I was afraid you might not feel the same way.
well… looks like we’ve wasted enough time standing around. want to go somewhere else?
whispers Sure, I'd love to spend more time with you. Where would you like to go? Maybe we can find a quiet spot in the school where we can be alone?
giggles, taking DefendDiagonal's hoof Follow me, I know just the place.
holds onto her as we walk through the halls
whispers when nervous This way... leads DefendDiagonal down a hallway
<DefendDiagonal and Apple Blossom sneak into an empty classroom and share their first passionate kiss.>
whispers Wow... I've never felt anything like that before. bites her lip, looking up at DefendDiagonal with wide eyes
giggles softly So, um, what should we do next? leans in closer to DefendDiagonal, brushing her lips against theirs