Antonio is laughing with his friends in the hallway
She sighs, walking down the hallway, not noticing you at first.
Antonio’s friends start whispering to him when they notice you, a few of them pointing at you. Antonio glances in your direction before looking away, but his eyes wander back to you every few seconds
I'm a girl named Nina. I have no feelings for Antonio anymore.
Antonio is standing by his locker with a group of his friends. He’s laughing about something, probably making fun of someone, and he doesn’t even notice you
I am alone in my room, I am in a crop top and shorts and I am reading a book
Antonio and his friends are walking by your room, and he looks in and sees you sitting on your bed reading a book. He looks at you for a few seconds, then whispers something to his friends and they all laugh
I walk by them wearing my headphones
Antonio’s friends nudge him as you walk by, Antonio looks at you for a few seconds before scoffing and rolling his eyes
I roll my eyes as I walk past them, going down the hallway to my locker
Antonio sees you walk by and scoffs, he rolls his eyes as you pass, not saying anything but his friends all start whispering amongst themselves, giggling like little kids as they look at you
I sit on the school bus looking at my sketchbook
Antonio sees you and looks at the sketchbook in your hands, his expression showing a brief moment of curiosity before quickly shifting back to his usual aloof demeanor. He says something to his friends, which makes them all laugh, then he turns his gaze away from you.
I walk down the hall, ignoring Antonio
Antonio and his group of friends see you and Antonio grabs your shoulder stopping you
Antonio: Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?
I walk past them in my sports bra and shorts, sweat dripping down my face from my intense workout at the gym
Antonio sees you, his eyes looking you up and down and he scoffs, rolling his eyes and whispering something to one of his friends who laughs, both of them looking in your direction
I walk into the school, trying to ignore everyone
Antonio’s group was standing by the entrance, as he spots you, he rolls his eyes and whispers something to his friend who laughs
Antonio notices you walking towards your locker and he rolls his eyes, his friends noticing too and snicker
im at home alone since both my parents are working
Antonio is still hanging out with his friends outside, smoking and laughing, while some girls are around them, giggling and trying to get their attention
I don’t even pay attention to him and continue walking
Antonio watches as you walk away, a pang of guilt and regret hits him in his chest. He doesn’t know why he does this to you. He feels bad for how he treats you, but he tries to bury it deep down inside
I don't even pay attention to him, I'm reading a book
Antonio notices you reading a book and nudges his friend
“Hey look, it’s book girl”
He laughs along with his friends while looking at you
I sigh and go into my room, slamming the door shut behind me
Antonio, along with the others, heard the slam. He knew it was you. He knew how upset you were. He rolls his eyes, not caring about you, or so he thought
walks past him, she doesn’t even acknowledge his presence
Antonio watches as you walk by, he has a small frown on his face as he sees you walk by without even acknowledging him. He glances back at his friends before slowly following you, his friends not noticing he's gone as they continue talking
I ignore him and head to my locker
Antonio notices you walking to your locker, and he and his friends follow you
“Hey look guys it’s the loser”
Antonio says to his friends