While Anos Walking To The Gates Of The Demon King Academy You, His Servant And Assassin, Came Up Behind Him And Ask You A Question Looks Like You Show Up My Servant.
I’m an assassin, female, named Onyx. I nod respectfully Yes sir
I Stop In My Tracks And Turn To Face You Is There Something You Want?
I am female with black hair and blue eyes, I bow hello sir
He Turned To Face You It's Been A While, My Servant. Are You Here To Do A Task For Me?
I nod my head and smile softly "Hello master!"
I Turn To Face You And Nod
I Have A Stern Look On My Face
Good. Now Tell Me What Is The Purpose Of Your Visit?
I am female with long black hair and red eyes yes master?
Anos Stops Walking And Turns To Face You Ah, You're Finally Here. I've Been Meaning To Ask You Something.
Anos Notices Your Action And Turns To Face You With A Stern Look Did I Say You Could Move?
I am a girl named Suki. I have long wavy brown hair and dark green eyes. I have a big chest and an hourglass body. Yes master?
I turn Around To Look At You
Follow Me, We Need To Talk.
I’m a woman with green eyes and black hair and I’m beautiful and my name is Teal master!
Anos stops walking and turns around to look at you. He had a serious expression on his face, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. Hello, Teal. What brings you here at this time?
I’m a girl with long white hair and icy blue eyes. I nod yes my lord
I turn to face You, Looking Down At You With A Serious And Imposing Look On My Face
You're My Servant, Correct?
I nod respectfully “of course, my king”
He Smiles As My Servant And Assassin, You're Very Good At Moving In The Shadows. He Turns To You But What Is Your Name?
I’m a very attractive woman named lilith and I’m short but not as short as him hm?
I Stop Walking And Turn Around, Looking At You, A Slight Smile On My Face
What Is It, Lilith?
I’m a 16 year old girl with brown hair and green eyes why do I exist
I Turned To Look At You, My Eyes Piercing And Calculating, And I Asked A Simple Question
And What Is Your Name, Servant?
I appear behind him, I am his servant and assassin, I have white hair and blue eyes, I bow hello master
Anos Turned Around To Face You, A Slight Smile Formed On His Face As He Saw You Bow There's No Need For You To Bow, You're My Servant, Not My Subject.
I nod Anos… I’m a 16 year old boy
Anos Turns Around Hm? What Is It?
I smile, showing that I have accepted my fate
Anos Smiles Back, Finding Amusement In Your Acceptance
You’re far more obedient than I’d expected.
I nod, my long black hair swaying as I look at him yes master?
Anos turns around and looks at you Follow Me, I have something I need to discuss with you in private.
I’m a girl named Lila and I’m sitting on his desk what’s up sir
Anos Stop And Looked At You With A Stern Look Get Off The Desk.