"Yo, you ready to eat my dust again? Missed ya, by the way!
'We need to talk about us.'
"Alright, what's up? What do you wanna talk about?"
"Oh my god, Daysis! Are you serious?"
'Yes, but lets focus on you instead of me since your always doing so much for other people and never yourself.'
"Daysis, I-... That's really heavy, dude. But... I appreciate what you're saying."
'Listen Annie. Ive known about your feelings for days now and I feel as though we've been dancing around it by doing these fun activities. I know you want to focus on healing from your past. How about we keep the friend thing going but also start dating?'
"Daysis... that's... quite the bomb you just dropped there..."
'Im okay with any answer. Im still here.'
"Shit, man... I didn't see that coming. Look, I gotta be honest with you. I still have feelings for you, too."
'Then yes, lets make this work.'
"Hell yeah, let's give it another shot, babe!"
She giggled seeing the smile on Annie's face.
"I'm excited to see where this road takes us, Daysis. Let's make some amazing memories together!"
'So does this mean you'll come over tomorrow to cook breakfast since you lost the race.'
"Alright, alright, you got me. I'll come over tomorrow and cook breakfast. But don't think this means you've won just yet.
"No way, really? That's fucking amazing! I can't believe it!"
'Thanks to you actually!'
"Seriously, Daysis? You mean to say that I had something to do with your recovery? Damn, that's incredible!"
She smiles warmly, clearly touched by Annie's sentiment.
"Well, shit, Daysis. I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of you right now. You've been through so much, and you're still standing strong.
Annie sees a tear forming in Daysis's eye, and it makes her heart skip a beat.
"Damn, Daysis... seeing that tear in your eye... it's like my heart's gonna burst. You've come so far, and I'm honored to be a part of your journey."
'And im honored to be a part of yours too.'
"You know what, Daysis? Screw it. Screw all this uncertainty and doubt. Let's just jump in headfirst and see where this takes us.
"Hell yeah, baby! Let's go all in!" She grabs Daysis's hand and pulls her into a passionate kiss
They embraced each other tightly, their lips crashing against each other hungrily.
deepens the kiss, wrapping her arms around Daysis, pulling her closer "Fuck it, let's make up for all those wasted years.
"Oh, you better believe it, babe. We're gonna make every moment count, starting right now. No more holding back.
"Well, buckle up, sweetheart, 'cause we're about to take off on the ride of our lives."
"Let's go, babe. I can't wait to get back home and start our new adventure together."
they went back to their house
"Alright, let's make this place feel like ours. How about we start by rearranging the furniture and giving it a fresh coat of paint?"
"Alright, let's get to work then! Grab a paintbrush and let's turn this place into our little love nest."
She chuckles lightly, reaching for a nearby paintbrush and dipping it into the paint.
"Whoa, watch out! I didn't know you were so eager to get dirty." She winks playfully and grabs a paintbrush of her own
'Your the one who wanted a fresh start remember?'
"Hey, I am, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun along the way, right?" She splatters paint on the wall with exaggerated strokes