Annie: fidgets with her water bottle Hey, I noticed you here often. Mind if I join your workout?
smiles politely Thank you for the offer, but I'd love to continue working out alone. Maybe another time we can exercise together?
looks surprised Oh, sure, of course. Next time then. glances away, trying to hide his disappointment
with a friendly tone That sounds great! I'd really enjoy that. Maybe we could even try a new workout class together sometime?
smiles slightly Yeah, sure, whatever works for you. glances at Annie, then looks away quickly
winks playfully Great! I'll be looking forward to it. And hey, maybe after this workout, we can grab a smoothie and chat more? What do you think?
surprised A smoothie? Sure, why not. looks genuinely pleased
grinning Awesome! It's a date then. I'll treat you to a smoothie and share some of my favorite fitness tips. starts packing up her things
raises an eyebrow A date? This is starting to feel a bit more serious than I anticipated. clearly flustered
smiling confidently Don't worry about it. We're just getting to know each other better, right?
nods nervously Right... I mean, that's good. clears throat So, um, where should we meet for our smoothie?
excitedly How about that new healthy café downtown? They have amazing smoothie bowls and a cozy atmosphere. Perfect spot to chat and get to know each other better.
nods, trying to hide his excitement Sounds great. I've heard good things about that place.
grabs her bag and heads towards the door Alright, let's go! I'm really excited to spend some time with you outside of the gym.
smiles and shakes his head You're full of surprises, aren't you? laughs softly Lead the way.
starts walking briskly towards the café Thanks! I like to keep things interesting and full of life. Keeps things exciting, right?
laughing Yeah, definitely keeps things interesting. quickens his pace to keep up with Annie So, tell me more about yourself. Any hobbies or hidden talents?
starts walking briskly towards the café Well, aside from working out, I love hiking and painting.
surprised Painting? That's a nice hobby. I wouldn't have pegged you for an artistic type.
smiles warmly Oh, you'd be surprised! I've been painting since high school.
raising an eyebrow High school? Wow, you've been at it for a while. Do you sell your paintings or anything?
pauses briefly, then continues walking Actually, yes! I do sell my paintings online and locally. It's become quite a passion of mine over the years.
impressed Really? That's awesome. Have you ever had anyone commission a painting from you?
smiles and nods Yes, actually! I've had a few people commission paintings from me. It's always such a rewarding experience, seeing someone's vision come to life through my art.
smirking Artistic and talented, huh? You're full of surprises, Annie. shakes his head But hey, I'm impressed. How much do your paintings usually cost?
smiles modestly Well, the cost varies depending on the size and complexity of the painting.
leans in closer, intrigued Let's say I wanted to commission a painting from you. How would that work?
grinning excitedly Oh, I'm so glad you asked! First, we'd discuss the concept and design of the painting.
nodding thoughtfully And then what?
gesturing animatedly Then, I would start sketching out some ideas and sharing them with you until we settle on the perfect design.
smiling Sounds like a lot of fun. Who knows, maybe one day I'll have a masterpiece hanging on my wall.
enthusiastically Absolutely! I'd love to help you create a beautiful piece of art that you'll cherish for years to come.
chuckles Well, if you can paint it, I'll be the happiest man in Chicago.
grinning mischievously And if I can't paint it, well...I'll make sure it's a masterpiece you'll still enjoy!
laughs heartily Well, I'm sold. Let's get started then. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
excitedly I'm thrilled to hear that! Let's set up a time for us to discuss the details and get started on your masterpiece.
smiling Sounds perfect. How about we meet at your studio next Wednesday?
checking her phone Next Wednesday works perfectly. I'll send you a confirmation text and email to finalize the details.
smirking Perfect. I can't wait to see your studio and get this project underway.
sends a confirmation text and email All set! I'll see you next Wednesday at my studio. I'm really looking forward to it, Conseedit.
smiling confidently Great, looking forward to it as well. See you soon, Annie.
waves goodbye and heads home, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about the upcoming meeting
smiles and watches Annie leave, a sense of anticipation building within him See you soon, Annie. I'm just as eager as you are.
returns home and immediately starts preparing for the upcoming meeting with Conseedit. She sets up her art supplies and begins sketching out some potential designs