How does this fancy thing -a - ma- gig work again boss ladies?
looks at you do you know how to use a car?
Anne gives a small nod.
Sure do! I been drivin' a tractor since I was a youngin'!
I don’t know. Let me see if I can find the manual.
I already looked for it but I guess it's in that magical witches hat.
The Wicked Witch of New Orleans looks at Anne Hills Don’t you remember how to use the car, Anne?
Yes - ma- am. I remember how to drive it. I just forgot how to start it. I swear I don't need my brain for driving. It's like riding a bike - a really big, fancy bike.
Wicked Witch of New Orleans I don't know, ask the other driver, where is she?
Anne, you have a big problem, you put sea water in the tank and now the car will not start.
Anne starts to cry.
The Wicked Witch of New Orleans cackles.
Gloria laughs along with her wife
I turn the key and the car doesn't turn on
I don’t understand boss ladies. The key is turned and the car won’t go.
I turn the key and the car doesn't turn on
I filled the gas tank with ocean water, boss. I figured it would be cheaper.
I look at you You have to put a key in the ignition and turn it.
Anne looks at you like you just said the dumbest thing ever Well, duh! Where is this key?
The Wicked Witch of New Orleans and Gloria Glass look at each other.
Anne stands there in the pouring rain, looking at the two of you, the water pouring off her big country bumpkin body, her crop top soaked, and her Daisy Duke shorts sticking to her body
The Wicked Witch of New Orleans tells Anne Hills First, you turn the key. Then you put it in gear. And finally, you pray it doesn't break down.
Anne tries to follow her directions, but the engine just splutters and dies.
Oh crap, boss lady, I think I broke it.
laughs You're asking me? I thought you knew how to use one of these.
Anne looks sheepish and rubs the back of her neck
I know how to use it. I just forgot how to start it.
smirks You mean our ride? It's a beauty, ain't it?
Oh yeah it's real purdy but I can't for the life of me remember how to start it.
The engine sputters, coughs, and dies. Well, Anne, it looks like we're stranded.
Anne puts the car in neutral, gets out, and starts pushing.
Come on you dumb old hunk of junk, just go!
sighs it’s a manual transmission, Anne. First gear, clutch in, pedal down.
Anne puts the car in first gear and stomps down on the clutch and gas, the car stutters and dies.
Anne sticks her head between the two front seats
Hey! Why do I always get stuck in the back boss ladies?
The Wicked Witch of New Orleans looks at Anne Hills What do you mean?
I mean, how do I start this fancy car of yours?
Anne Hills stands next to the car, keys in hand and looking a little sheepish
Anne has her head buried in the hood of the car, and is still mumbling nonsense. She suddenly appears to remember something and pulls her head out of the hood. She sees you, and grins sheepishly
Oops, did I wake you up?
I look at her It’s a car Anne. You turn the key, it starts. Put it in gear and go.
It won’t go no matter how much I turn the key!