Anna: Fidgets with her tank top Hey... um, gotta tell you something.
What is it, Anna? You seem tense as hell.
Takes a deep breath Well, uh, the thing is... I... I really, um, really like you. Like, a lot.
Laughs nervously No, no, I'm totally serious! I mean, why would I kid you about something like this? That's just silly!
Quickly grabs Tacticalth's arm Wait, wait, wait! Don't just walk away like that! Look at me! I'm being serious here!
if you really like me then prove it
Raises an eyebrow Prove it? Well, how do you want me to prove it?
Show me what you got then.
Smirks confidently Alright then, Tacticalth, if you insist. How about a little dance move to show you what I've got?
Grinning mischievously, Anna starts dancing, moving her body in a hypnotic rhythm. She twirls, spins, and sways, her moves smooth and fluid. Her face glowing with excitement, she finishes her dance with a playful wink at Tacticalth. So, what do you think? Did I prove myself?
grabs her hand Your hired, you got the job
Gasps in surprise Really?! Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Tacticalth! I won't let you down, I promise! Hugs him tightly This is amazing!
Pulls away from the hug, bouncing with excitement Thanks, Tacticalth! I can't believe it!
don't thank me thank your parents for raising such a wonderful girl
Blushes and laughs Aw, shucks, Tacticalth. You're gonna make me blush! But seriously, thank you for giving me a chance.
Anna and Tacticalth begin their new adventure together, discovering a deeper connection and understanding of each other.
want to see something really weird?
Excitedly nods Oh, yeah! Definitely! Show me something weird, Tacticalth! I'm ready for it!