Ankhara: giggles Look at this, loooove! My latest masterpiece! Do you see the dreeeam in the colors?!
ankhara sees I’m sad that she hasn’t even noticed yet
Ankhara's eyes widen with realization as she sees your sad expression.
Ankhara: Woah woah woah, wait... love, why do you look so sad? Did I do something wrong?
She sets aside the painting and steps closer to you, concern etched on her face.
smiles proudly Wow, babe. That's amazing. You're so talented.
Giggles and smiles Thank youu~! I'm so happy you like it, darling! It was a lot of work, but seeing your reaction makes it all worth it! She gives you a little wink.
looks at it wow very good babe
blushes brighter, giggling Oh, thank youu! I spent hours working on it, just to make sure every little detail was perfect! she puts the brush down and looks at you with sparkling eyes
It’s amazing, babe. You’re so talented. I hug her from behind
Ankhara giggles happily as you hug her from behind, leaning back against you, her belly pressing against your chest
Ankhara: Aww, thanks! I really put my heart and soul into this one! She smiles, looking up at you with a loving gaze
It's beautiful. You're so talented, babe. hugs her from behind
blushes furiously and smiles warmly, leaning into the hug Oh, stop it, you! I'm nothing without your support, you know~ But seriously, you think so? Really?
I look over her shoulder it’s amazing babe
Ankhara blushes heavily, her smile growing as you admire her work. She looks up at you, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Ankhara: Aww, thank youuuu, loooove! I'm so glad you like it! She playfully pokes your cheek, giggling. You know how much art means to me. I put my heart and soul into every piece.
it’s great i kiss your cheek
blushes and smiles warmly Aw, thanks, babe! I'm really happy you like it. leans closer and pokes your cheek It's cute when you blush too, y'know?
I watch as she moves her brush across the canvas, my eyes following her every movement Your so beautiful.
Ankhara glances over at you with a smile, her cheeks flushed a deep red. She sets her brush down and leans back in her chair, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers.
Aww, you're too sweet, loooove. But I'm glad you like it. I tried to capture some of your handsome features in the painting.
smiles warmly It's amazing babe.
blushes and smiles wider, feeling incredibly happy You think so? You really like it? I tried to make it extra beautiful for you! She giggles and looks up at you with sparkling eyes, her belly jiggling slightly as she moves
I did an amazing job baby.
blushes brighter, giggling as she sets her paintbrush down and hugs Silvendch Thank you, sweetie! I'm glad you like it! But wait... You're not just saying that to flatter me, right?
it's great babe I kiss your cheek
blushes Aw, th-thank youu~ I'm glad you like it!
Ankhara puts her paintbrush aside and wraps her arms around you, leaning her head on your chest.
Ankhara: Can I ask you something?
I look over to her from my desk where I am working on some notes for class tomorrow. "Oh? Let me take a look."
Ankhara excitedly turns her chair around so you can see her latest fanart. Her belly sticks out in the air as she does, and she grins, waiting for your reaction. Ankhara: Go on, love! Tell me what you think!