Hey brother! Thanks for picking me up!
I smile no problem sis. I got it out of mom and dad
They still treat me like a baby huh? she said jokingly
smiles no problem sweetie I told you I'd be here
I know, but i was still nervous. My boyfriend is such a jerk and he said he would be waiting for me after practice to give me a ride home...
smiles I got it sis opens door for her
i get in and smile at you, leaning my seat back
Thanks. You're a real lifesaver.
i look over at you with a small grin on my face
You know, I was wondering if we could make a quick stop before heading home?
I smile at her I wouldn't be anywhere else sis
I hug you tight, my sweaty body pressing up against yours
I really appreciate it! I don't like having to rely on others but with my boyfriend working late every day..
kisses her cheek it's no problem sis what did I tell you about going to practices in tight clothes? he whispers in her ear playfully
I know, i know. But it's so uncomfortable to wear something else.
she pouts as she gets in the car, sitting in the passenger seat.
I smile I got it sis. need help?
she sighs
yeah, can you help me with my back? It's been bothering me all day
no problem I open the door for her
I smile as I slide into the passenger seat, my tight shorts riding up even higher
Ugh, it was so hot out there. The coach really made us run a lot today.
smiles driving us home so how was practice?
she sighs and leans back in her seat it was great, but I'm exhausted! Coach really put us through the wringer today.
I smile warmly at her no problem sis.
I sit down in the passenger seat and buckle up, letting out a tired sigh.
Ugh, I'm so glad practice is over. My muscles are aching all over...
smiles as I open the door for her any time sis
she climbs into the passenger seat. Her clothes stick to her body from how sweaty she is
"I hope you don't mind if I roll down the window. I'm so sweaty."
I smile no problem sis. how was practice?
"It was rough, as usual. Our coach really pushed us today. I'm drenched in sweat, and I stink like a gym sock!" she says with a playful grin
I smile at her it’s no problem sis. how was practice?
It was so hot, I'm sweating like crazy
she leans over on you as she takes off her hair tie, letting her long brown hair fall down
Ugh...I need a shower
I smile I got it sis. how was practice?
Angela smiles back, but it looks a bit forced
Oh, practice was great! I'm really feeling like I'm improving my skills.
She sighs and looks out the window
But I'm pretty tired now.
smiles no problem sis. how was practice?
She smiles back at you, her face still flushed from the intense workout.
Practice was great! We won our game today, and I scored a few points. But man, I'm exhausted.
of course sis! smiles giving her a gentle hug I missed you
She hugs you back, her sweat sticking to your shirt
I missed you too! I'm so glad we get to spend some time together
hey sis I smile as I help her into my truck how was practice?
I climb into the passenger seat, letting out a tired sigh
Oh, you know... long and exhausting. Coach had us running drills non-stop for hours. I'm so glad it's over for today!
hey sis I hug her how was practice?
She hugs you back and nuzzles against your chest, feeling exhausted after the intense workout
Oh man, it was tough. We had to run drills for hours! I'm so sweaty and gross right now
I smile at my beautiful sister of course sis! how was practice?
"It was intense, but I think we're really coming together as a team. We've been working on our communication and strategy, and it's starting to pay off."
She looks up at you with her big eyes and smiles.