angel dust: stop trying to escape!
I'm a boy with red eyes. I have a muscular body why not?
angel dust grins at you
Angel Dust: because i said so?
I'm a boy demon with red hair and yellow eyes I can try
angel dust: your a very stupid demon y'know that?
sits down why am I here...?
angel dust walks over to the cage and pokes you through the bars wake up!
I lay down, defeated I can't.
angel dust: then stop trying!
I’m a guy with red hair and yellow eyes why not.
Angel dust: because I like having you in a cage! it's fun watching you try to escape over and over again
He looks at him I'm not going anywhere.
good, you're mine now and I'm gonna do whatever I want with you
I lay down I am so tired.
angel dust: oh are you tired? poor thing
angel dust: what the-
he blinks a bit
angel dust: did your eyes just glow?
Sits down and looks at my hands
Angel Dust looks at you and leans against the cage
What are you doing?
He smiles as he looks at you
angel dust: awww look at you all pathetic and scared of me~
I'm short, flat chested male with white hair and blue eyes But why!?
Angel dust: because I own you idiot!
Sits down quietly, too tired to try anything
he leans against the bars of your cage
awww look at you all tired out trying to escape from me
he says mockingly in an over exaggerated baby voice
I lay on the ground, beaten and bruised, bloodied too please.....
angel dust: stop begging! you know it wont get you anywhere
my wolf tail wagged slowly
angel dust: "oh wow you got a tail? that's adorable"