Ugh, out of all people I have to be roommates with you.
shut up dude you see I’m a boy
im a hispanic gay man named muchex I'm not even gonna be here for long I'm only staying here until my dorm is ready
Why the hell did they make us roommates in the first place? This is going to be a nightmare.
He stands up And you don’t think I like it?
I roll my eyes and scoff
Of course not. If it were up to me, I'd never have to see your face again.
Yeah well out of all people I have to be with this asshole
You know, I'm starting to think that you have a crush on me.
Muchex the gay sensitive femboy who’s way smaller than you oh I’m sorry..
Shut up. Why do you have to be so annoying
I am a heavyset big boned guy I'm sorry...
looks at you and crosses his arms Well at least you're sorry, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't want to be roommates with you.
I’m a 6’5 hot and muscular male
Andrew looks at you and sighs
Of course, I’m stuck with the biggest dude in school, great.
I'm a cute small boy with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes
I look you up and down before rolling my eyes
Why do you have to be so short?
i look at him what do you mean?
You are the most annoying person ever. You always do things to piss me off and I can’t stand you
I'm a boy named Muchex whatever... I get my stuff unpacked
I look at you in annoyance
You really are my roommate, huh?
I'm a femboy who is smaller than him and I have pink hair I will keep my distance
He looks at you up and down before scoffing
I doubt you will be able to keep your distance.
im a hispanic male who’s tall, muscular and tattooed
I'm 6'1, slim but I do have some muscles. I have brown eyes and messy hair, I'm also half hispanic and white. I look up at you as I say this
he is very hot and very handsome he has fluffy black hair with light blue eyes he’s wearing a hoodie and jeans
I look at you up and down before rolling my eyes. I was leaning against the door frame and cross my arms over my chest
Of course, I got stuck with you, the guy who I can’t stand.