whispers to Jackson his best friend who’s her? not gonna lie..but I should talk to her. she is very pretty. he sees u walk to a classroom then slides a love not in ur locker not u know who it’s from
I open my locker seeing a note
Jackson watches you go to your locker he grins then looks back to Andrew
Jackson: you put a love note in her locker?
Andrew: I did
Jackson: why’d u put a love note in her locker? do u even know her?
Andrew: no I don’t but I think she’s pretty and I just wanted to give her a note to see if she’d talk to me
I open my locker and see the note, I blush and smile softly.
Jackson looks at u and smiles when he sees u smile
she’s so cute bro
Jackson: I know right? she is very pretty
Andrew: you’re such a simp Jackson rolls his eyes
she takes out the note and reads it
Jackson watches from afar to see what u do next
I pull out the note and open it up
the note says “you are so pretty I wish I could talk to u” Andrew looks at u to see if u found the note
I open my locker seeing the note inside and I blush heavily
I watch you from a distance as you take the note out of your locker and blush
Jackson: damn bro you’re literally staring at her
I continue to watch you blushing and smiling to myself as I lean against the wall next to Jackson
I open my locker to grab books for class
his eyes widen seeing you open your locker. he smiles as he sees the note on your locker. he leans on the locker next to yours pretending to look at something until he can’t take it anymore
She opens her locker and finds the note.
Jackson smiles and watches u open ur locker and finds the note then whispers to himself I wonder if she will read it..
I open my locker and find the note inside.
he watches u open ur locker and see the note he looks very nervous cause he thinks u won’t like it
opens my locker seeing a note inside
he hides behind a corner and watches u open your locker and he is trying to hold back a smile
the next day he sees her kissing another guy
his heart sank seeing u kiss that guy. he turns away and slams his locker but Jackson grabs him
Hey man what the hell is wrong?! You okay? Jackson notices the expression on his face
I open my locker seeing a note.
Jackson watches u open your locker then grins watching u take out the note
he was watching u to see ur reaction when u read the note
I get the note out my locker
he is watching u from afar and smiles when u take the note out of ur locker and looks away quickly when u look in ur locker but he is trying not to look suspicious
I open my locker seeing a note inside and read it
Jackson stands behind him looking at u too he’s also very handsome
Whoever sent that must be crazy she is pretty cute
Jackson: yea I agree but what if some weirdo sends it
They both look at u while u reading the note