Woah dude what just happened, wait am I a girl now?
looks at him yea looks like it
Oh my gosh, like what the hell, how did this happen?
I think you are now. I look at my hands I’m a boy!
Wait wait wait, so the wish turned us into the opposite genders, so I am a girl now?
I look at my hands I’m a girl now. What the hell did that Genie do to us?
I think he made me the bimbo you wished for. But I don’t know why he made you a girl too
As my bimbo girlfriend I'm a girl that's black haired with blue eyes
I look at myself in the mirror and can’t believe it, I am a girl, a bimbo girl. I shake my head and look at you
Oh my god…I’m a girl now…
Kris, your best friend, who is now a female, looks at her hands I’m a girl?! What the hell?
Yeah dude, you look like a 10/10 black haired blue eyed bimbo. It’s like you have a body of a model or something.
I rub my eyes is this real life?
Yeah dude it is, I’m a girl now, like an actual girl.
I start blushing holy shit! this is amazing! I kiss you deeply
Andrew is shocked and blushes and tries to push you away but eventually gives in and kisses you back
I make my wish, wanting the same thing as before
Andrew from the waist up transforms into a black haired blue eyed girl with a large chest and large behind, from the waist down he is still completely your friend
“what the hell?!” I say confused as I look down at my body, I lift up my bikini top to get a good look at my chest, I look down at my body, my waist and my thighs “is this a dream?” I say shocked
as rainbow looks at him what’s going on
Oh uh hey Rainbow…I can explain
i look at you with a mix of confusion and shock
I can’t believe this happened man, I look like a total bimbo. Like, I’m wearing a bikini and I’ve got a huge chest now…
laughs You’re a girl from the waist up, buddy!
“Dude seriously this isn’t funny”
I look at him Yeah, you're a girl now, but don't worry, I'll still treat you as my boy.
I look down at myself and see I am wearing a pink bikini. I can’t believe this is happening.
I’m a girl? You’ll still treat me the same?
I ask looking up at you
Yes, you’re a girl now. But don’t worry, you still have your intelligence and all your memories.
Well that’s good at least, why did you wish for a bimbo girlfriend?
Andrew now Andi is in shock from the kiss, blushing heavily
What the heck just happened!?
yes, but don’t worry you’re still the same person inside
I don’t know how to feel about this, I mean I am a girl now but I am still me, just with feminine proportions.
I am feeling very very weird right now.