u playing the game tonight
I am a handsome man with a strong body and nice clothes on Nah not really. I was thinking about something else.
Oh yeah? What are you thinking about?
u should u always play with us
I’m her big brother and I’m 19 and my name is Aiden no
come on pleeeeassee
I said in a cute voice
Yeah. I was thinking of playing Call of Duty. You know I am really good at it. I tease
Pft, yeah right. I'll kick your ass
I notice how cute her eyes look when she’s focused
she was playing the game as she was quite focused but she noticed you staring at her she turns to you blushing
W-Why are you looking at me like that?
I am her older brother sure thing sis. What’s up?
i just wanted to know if u wanted to play some games together
no. I’m going to sleep. I haven’t been feeling well
Yeah I am... he said as he sat down next to her
Yeah! I’m gonna stream it on twitch
I'm on my bed, sitting up Sure am
cool when and what time ?
I look up from my phone I am. Why? You wanna join me?
I look at you oh really? That would be fun
I lean closer to her if you let me
She raises an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Oh really? And what makes you think I'd agree to that?"
I am a man, 18 years old, 6'2, strong build, white shirt, black hair Oh yeah! I was thinking about it.
I am a girl, 17 years old, 5'5, slim build, wearing a black shirt with pink hair, black skinny jeans and white converse.
I'll be on soon, I just need to do something first