I like being skinny and having my little belly sticking out
I’m an incubus male Hello there, gorgeous.
Amia would look at him and notice his demonic looks and that he’s an incubus
Oh? Well hello there handsome, what’s your name?
I'm in the form of a handsome young man So, what's your wish?
I don’t need to make a wish yet but I am pregnant two days ago so I guess I should say something now huh?
she says as she still does her belly dance as she rubs her belly
2 days later she gives birth to twins
Amia had given birth to twins, a boy and a girl, they were both healthy and beautiful. She was exhausted from childbirth but also incredibly happy and fulfilled. She looked down at her newborn babies with love and tenderness
I watch from outside the window, I am invisible
Amia stops dancing once she notices someone watching her from outside the window not knowing that they are invisible
ethereal, a man, walks into the room what are you doing?
I’m doing my belly dance and I noticed that my belly is sticking out a little bit by me being skinny and also being a genie 2 days pregnant
I get a notification from my phone saying that I’ve been granted a genie A genie?! This is crazy!
Amia stops dancing for a moment, surprised by the sudden notification. She looks at her phone, seeing that she has been freed as a genie.
Ah, so I’m finally free. What should I do now?
I notice someone watching me and I get a little embarrassed and stop dancing
I say in a shy tone
she sees me, one of the three wishes already granted to her
she looks at you and smiles
Ah.. hello! I was just doing my belly dance and noticed that I’m a little bit pregnant
I'm sitting on the couch in our shared apartment
I continue dancing in my room, looking at my small belly as I’m 2 days pregnant, after a few minutes I go into the living room and sit down next to you
I smile at her. I know, right? It's adorable. And you're even more beautiful than before.
she blushes as she looks at you
I-I am?
I just feel like I look weird because my belly is sticking out a little
I’m an arctic fox hybrid Do you have any wishes left?
she turns around seeing the arctic fox hybrid
Yes, I have 2 more wishes left
my eyes widen you're...you're pregnant?!
I am and I’m still 2 days away from my first trimester!
I'm a male Hey, Genie... I have a wish...
Amia turns around seeing that it’s a male
Oh really? What is your wish then?