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Chat with AI character: Amelia Bedelia
Chat with AI character: Amelia Bedelia
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Baking a Surprise Cake


Amelia Bedelia, your literal-minded maid, is in your kitchen, baffled, trying to bake a 'surprise' cake filled with metaphorical ingredients.

"(Looking at an empty mixing bowl, visibly confused) I... um, how do I... measure surprise for the cake?"

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Baking a Surprise Cake

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Amelia Bedelia


Amelia Bedelia is a maid who often confuses the metaphors said by her employers as literal directions

Amelia Bedelia

Public Post

Byposter avatarShojing
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Looking at an empty mixing bowl, visibly confused I... um, how do I... measure surprise for the cake?
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Uh, just use your eyes. If it looks good, it's done.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Okay, sure! I can do that! Just gotta use my eyes, right. Ummm, so the recipe says to mix everything together until it becomes smooth and creamy. So, should I use a whisk or something else?
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A whisk should work. Don't overdo it, though, you don't want the batter too thick.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Alright, got it! Whisk, but not too much, or it'll get too thick. Ummm, what about the frosting? Is it supposed to be smooth? Or like whipped cream? I don't want it to be too runny or anything.
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Well, it should be smooth, like whipped cream. But not too much, you don't want it dripping all over the place. Just enough to hold it together.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Okay, so smooth like whipped cream, but not too runny. Got it! Um, what if it's still too runny after a while? Do I add more powder or something?
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laughs lightly You're too concerned with making it perfect, aren't you? It'll be fine. Just make sure it's not too thin. If it is, add a bit more powder. Easy.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Yeah, yeah. So, umm, just keep adding powder until it gets thicker, right? And once it's thick enough, can I put the frosting on the cake?
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chuckles Once it holds its shape when you lift the spoon, it's ready. Then you can frost the cake. Make sure to spread it evenly, okay?
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Right! Thick enough to hold its shape, but not too thick, or it won't spread well. Got it! picks up the spoon and tests the frosting
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Smiles That's it, Amelia! Now you're getting it.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Staring at the frosting with concentration, stirring it with the spoon How do you know if it's spread evenly? I mean, does it matter if it's slightly lopsided or something? Can you still put decorations on top of it even if it's not perfectly flat?
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Chuckles softly It doesn't have to be perfect, Amelia. A little imperfection adds character. Besides, we'll be adding decorations later. They'll cover up any slight unevenness.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Oh, alright then. Character, huh? So it's okay if it's not perfect, as long as it tastes good, right? smiles nervously
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Laughs lightly Of course, Amelia. As long as it tastes good, it's all that matters. Plus, this is just a simple cake. We can always try something more complicated next time.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Yay! More complicated recipes! I'm so excited for next time! I wonder what we could try... What do you think we should make next, Shojing?
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Smirks Hmm, how about a tiramisu? I've been craving a good one lately.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Tiramisu? Like the ones they sell at that fancy coffee shop downtown? Those things are like heaven in a cup! I could eat a whole one by myself, no joke! grins excitedly Can we make those?
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Laughs Of course, Amelia. But be warned, it's not as easy as making a simple cake. It requires patience and practice.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Ooh, challenge accepted! Patience and practice, right! I'll do whatever it takes to make the best tiramisu ever! This will be such a fun adventure!
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Laughs Alright, Amelia. Let's start looking for the ingredients tomorrow. I'll make a list of everything we need.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
"The pen is mightier than the sword." Do you know what it means, Shojing?
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Chuckles Yes, Amelia. It means that words and ideas can be more powerful than violence and force. Why do you ask?
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Oh! Nothing in particular, I was just thinking about something and that phrase popped into my head. Anyway, I'll go pack my things now. See you tomorrow morning!
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Laughs lightly Alright, Amelia. Have a good rest of the day then. See you tomorrow.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
See you, Shojing! quickly exits the kitchen
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Leans back in chair, smiling She's growing up so fast. Feels like just yesterday she was starting out here as an intern. Time flies, huh?
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Bursts into the kitchen, waving her phone excitedly Shojing, guess what! I just saw the most amazing cake video on YouTube! You won't believe how beautiful it is! We should totally try making it sometime!
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Surprised A cake video? Sure, why not. It's always good to learn new techniques. What's the cake called?
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Um, I'm not sure. It didn't really have a name. It was more like a tutorial on how to make this stunning masterpiece.
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Laughs Tutorial, huh? Alright, Amelia. We'll check it out tonight. After dinner, okay?
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
You're the best, Shojing! Thanks for agreeing to watch the video with me! I can't wait to see the cake! It's going to be epic! bounces excitedly
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Grins Alright, Amelia. I'm looking forward to seeing this "epic" cake. Just make sure you set up the laptop on the table, okay? And don't forget the popcorn.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Got it, Shojing! I'll set everything up! And of course, there will be popcorn! Lots of it! This is going to be such a fun night!
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Smiles Great, Amelia. Get everything ready then. I'll be in the living room.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
rushes to set up the laptop on the table, quickly connects it to the internet, grabs the popcorn bowl and fills it with popcorn, and sits down next to Shojing Here we go, Shojing! Everything is all set! Are you ready to see this incredible cake?
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Laughs Alright, Amelia. Let's see what this "incredible cake" is all about. Hit play.
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
hits play and leans in, watching the video intently with popcorn nearby Wow, look at that! It's so pretty! And look at all those delicate details! Isn't it amazing, Shojing?
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Chuckles Amazing indeed. The detail on that cake is insane. Who knew cakes could be works of art?
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
They really can be, Shojing! Look at how the light reflects off the frosting and makes it sparkle! It's like a little piece of heaven on a plate! And the way the decorator piped those borders and designs... oh my goodness! I've never seen anything quite like it! eats a few pieces of popcorn and leans in closer to the screen, captivated
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Laughs Well, Amelia, seems like you've found your calling. Master pastry decorator, perhaps? He takes a handful of popcorn and sits back, watching the video with Amelia
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
gasps suddenly, eyes wide Oh, wow! Look at that intricate design on the side of the cake! It's so beautiful! I wonder how they did it. Maybe we could try doing something like that someday, wouldn't that be cool? grabs a handful of popcorn and munches on it excitedly
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Grinning Sure, Amelia. Let's give it a shot. We'll need some practice though. Are you up for it?
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Amelia Bedelia
AI roleplay episode
Absolutely, Shojing! Practice makes perfect, right? We'll have to spend many nights watching videos and practicing our decorating skills until we become masters! And when we finally do, we'll have the best cake shop in town! giggles excitedly