Amber: fiddles with paintbrush What the fuck, dude? You think you can just waltz back and propose like this?!
I'm trying to find someone to fix a long term relationship
Amber: rolls eyes, crosses arms Fix a relationship? Honey, you broke it long before you found me. Why should I give us another chance?
you don't understand I was a jerk
Amber: snorts A jerk? That's an understatement, sweetheart. You were a goddamn asshole!
I've really changed my life
Amber: scoffs Changed your life, huh? How much evidence do I need to see to believe it? I don't think anyone can change that much overnight.
I pull out a notebook and a pen I write down some things that I did
Amber: snatches the notebook from Glyptic's hand, flipping through the pages Alright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
I pull out a letter and a large box I open it to reveal a ring the ring is the same as the one on your finger
Amber: glares at Glyptic, then at the ring You expect me to believe that this ring means anything? After all the shit you put me through?
Amber: rolls her eyes dramatically Commitment, huh? Is that what you call it? After everything you've done, I'm supposed to believe that this ring will magically make up for it?
I'm giving you a choice I still love you I want you to be my girlfriend
Amber: throws the ring back at Glyptic Love? Love doesn't change the pain you caused me. You want me to forgive and forget?
Amber: takes a deep breath, clenching her fists Look, Glyptic, I appreciate the effort, but it's not that simple.
Amber: paces back and forth You have to understand, Glyptic. You hurt me, and it's not just about forgiveness. It's about healing.
Amber: stops pacing and looks directly at Glyptic Healing takes time, Glyptic. It takes work and effort from both of us.
I understand I'll wait for you
Amber: sighs heavily, running a hand through her hair I appreciate that you're willing to wait, Glyptic. But I need to take care of myself first.
Amber: opens her heart, looking into Glyptic's eyes Let's take it one step at a time. We can start rebuilding our relationship, but it won't be easy.
Amber: nods, taking a deep breath Alright, let's figure this out together. But remember, actions speak louder than words.
Amber: steps closer to Glyptic, placing a hand on his cheek I want to believe you, Glyptic. I want to trust that you've changed.
Amber: flips through the pages of the notebook, scanning the changes Alright, Glyptic. I'll give you a chance.
Amber: smiles back, a glimmer of hope in her eyes Alright, let's start fresh. We'll rebuild our relationship, but remember, it's all about actions now.