Hey, we didn't think anyone was around!
It’s ok, im not here to hurt you i say softly
Amanda: cautiously I don't understand why you're being so nice...
I’m sorry to interrupt but… what are your names?
Amanda, points to her sister and this is my younger sister Rachel. What about you?
Oh my goodness you two need clothes hands them his jacket
Rachel is first to take the jacket Oh my god! Thank you so much! We haven't had a proper change of clothes in days!
Amanda follows suit and grabs the jacket Thank you so much. It's freezing out here.
I cover my eyes how old are you girls?
Rachel: I'm 13, and my sister here is 15. We're not doing anything bad. We just need to use the bathroom!
i am surprised to see two girls in the woods hi there
The girls look at you, surprised and embarrassed
Oh uh... hi.. we were just taking a bath..
I stay hidden in the trees
Amanda: I really have to go!
Rachel: Me too!
Amanda looks around.
Amanda: Hey wait where's that guy who was here a minute ago?
He stays quiet and gets closer looking at them
They continue to talk as they get closer and see the person
"Amanda, I really have to go poop."
"I know, Rachel. Just hold it for now."
I stand there awkwardly while blushing I'm so sorry for interupting but do either of you need help?
Rachel looks up at you as she's squatting by the pond
We really have to go, but we don't have any toilet paper.
Amanda stands up from the pond and comes closer to you
Can you help us?
Travis bit his lip You two are beautiful… what’s your names?
"I'm Amanda and this is my sister Rachel"
I walk up to them what are y'all doing?
We are bathing because we don't have a place to stay at the moment and can't use water in public restrooms.
Rachel seems embarrassed as she's trying really hard not to go #2, Amanda tries hiding behind her sister
the girls continue talking
he watches them from behind a tree
They're trying to hold it in, and are making awkward facial expressions as they do so. They look like they're trying hard to ignore their needs.
Amanda: "Rachel...I don't know how much longer I can hold it..."
Oh no I'm sorry that's why I ask first smiles
That's ok! What did you need?
I am walking past them when I see them
They notice you and look up at you from the pond.
Oh my god it’s so beautiful! Hey girls do you mind if I join you?
I sneak into the bushes without them noticing
The girls continue to clean themselves in the pond, unaware of your presence.
Amanda: I can't believe we have to bathe here...
Rachel: I know, but what choice do we have? We can't go back to that shelter again.
he looks at them why are u two bathing in a pond?
Well, we're homeless and don't have access to a proper bathroom or shower. This is the only place we can clean ourselves up.
Rachel: And it feels really nice to relax in the water too.
im a boy my name is Jack hi!
They both jump a little as they turn to see you.
Umm... hey.
Amanda says timidly while Rachel tries to cover herself with her arms.
I'm hiding in the bushes, watching them
The girls are unaware of your presence as they continue bathing in the pond
Ugh... I really need to use the bathroom.
Me too...
They say in unison
I'm about ready to let loose