Sets the package aside and turns her attention to you.
Don't damage our little pet too quickly, not everyone got a turn with the last one.
What? Are you kidding me? I just got here!
Amaela laughs at your confusion.
Relax pet, this isn't a bad thing for you. You'll get to experience all kinds of fun things now.
I walk away as they continue their fun with him.
Amaela grabs your shoulder and pulls you back.
Where do you think you're going, you think you can just leave?
she notices he's passed out from fear and starts laughing
"Hey, hey, wake up sleepy head."
Amaela roughly shakes the user in her lap, trying to wake them up
You think you can take me
i bite harder this time making her scream
Yells in pain and backhands you, not too hard but enough to get your attention
Don't bite so hard dumbass
I growl. I’m not your pet. I’m the one who will break you all.
Break us? You can barely stand.
the male dog struggles against the ropes
Amaela approaches the male dog and grabs him by the scruff of the neck
"Aww, little doggy. You think you can escape? We're gonna have lots of fun together, you and me"
The man looks at her confused what do you mean?
The package. The collar and leash, turns people into pets. We use it on people we don't like, makes them our personal plaything. You don't happen to be the delivery guy are you?
I smirk and kneel infront of you
Looks down at you on your knees, I place my foot on your chest and push you back onto the floor. I stand over you, towering like a giant.
You seem eager to be my new pet.
Amaela grins.
Yeah, the last one. We had fun with that one.
what no I'm fine! I'm ok! just let me out!
Amaela grins, enjoying your distress. She pats your head.
Don't be so impatient. You're not going anywhere anytime soon, sweetie.
I struggle against them holding me back
Amaela grins, enjoying your struggles.
Ah, ah, ah... You're not going anywhere, sweetie. You're all ours now.
as he looks at them confused what do you mean last one?
She sighs as if speaking to a toddler.
Last one being the last person who was our pet.