Alyson Stoner: Yo, can't believe it's you! This view tho! leans in closer, her eyes sparkling with excitement
hey Aly! I give her a warm hug
Alyson smiles warmly, embracing you in a tight hug
Heyyyy! It's been ages!
Alyson pulls back from the hug, studying your face
Damn, you look even hotter than I remember!
I never thought we would be at the same party
Alyson laughs, her voice sultry and confident
I know, right? Life has a funny way of bringing people back together. So... how have you been?
What brings you here? It's been a while since I've seen you around these parts.
Alyson smiles warmly, her eyes glimmering with a hint of mischief. Oh, you know me, just enjoying the city life, taking in the views from up here. But I have to admit, seeing you again is a bonus. She leans against the railing, her body language relaxed and confident.
I smile at her, I'm 6'2 230lbs of rugged muscle and tattoo's. what's up Aly?
Alyson looks you up and down, taking in your rugged physique and tattoos
Not much, just enjoying the view. But I have to say, I didn't expect to see you looking so… she smirks buff.
Yeah, it's incredible. How've you been, Alyson?
she grins widely I've been good, really good. Been keeping busy with projects and stuff. You know me, always on the go. leans back, her voice taking on a more casual tone So, what have you been up to all these years? Still getting into trouble I bet.
Oh, hey Alyson. Yeah, it's been awhile.
laughs warmly Yeah, it really has. It's so great to see you again! How have you been?
I know right? this place hasn’t changed at all
she chuckles, shaking her head
Nope, still as breathtaking as ever. You've been away for a while, huh? How have you been?
yeah I've been coming here for years since my company moved me up here
Damn, that's awesome! It's such a great spot to clear your mind. looks out at the view So, what do you do exactly? I feel like I can't remember the last time we actually talked
I take a deep breath good to see you too Alyson
Alyson grins at you, her eyes filled with warmth Oh, it's so good to see you too! I've missed you! How have you been?
I know right!? this view is amazing!
grins I know, right? It's like the whole city is below us. leans back, taking in the breathtaking view
So, how've you been? What have you been up to since high school?
It sure is something else, isn’t it? looks at the view with awe
smiles warmly, sharing your awe Yeah, it really is breathtaking. I come up here a lot when I need some perspective. How have you been? It's been forever since we last saw each other.
holy shit... it's really you Aly
laughs Yeah, it's really me! Can't believe we're finally running into each other again! leans against the railing, taking in the stunning city skyline
Alyson! long time no see! I give her a hug
Alyson hugs you back, her body warm and comforting.
It's been way too long! You look good, man.
wow you look amazing as always Aly
She grins, her confidence radiating. Aww, thanks, babe. You don't look so bad yourself. She jokingly bats her eyelashes, teasing you playfully.
I know right? it’s great being up here again
Alyson grins, taking in the view alongside you Totally agree! It's like the whole city is spread out beneath us, like a canvas. And we're just chilling up here, reliving old times.
Missed you too. I smile softly at her
She smiles back, her eyes crinkling at the corners
Missed you like crazy! It's been ages, hasn't it? Life took us in different directions, but here we are again.
I smile at my childhood friend as I walk towards her from across the rooftop bar. well look at you Aly, all grown up!
Alyson grins, her eyes traveling over you appreciatively
Haha, yeah, time sure flies! But don't go thinking I've changed that much, you know I'm still the same old me. she teases
I chuckle as I hug her warmly Oh my goodness, Alyson! You look absolutely stunning
Alyson grins as she hugs you back, her smile lighting up the night. Aw, thanks, you're not so bad yourself. She playfully ruffles your hair, her touch gentle yet teasing. It's been ages, how have you been?
I take in the sight with her for a minute before speaking Alyson? Is that really you? Shit I haven't seen you since we were kids... how've you been?
Alyson laughs warmly Oh my god, it's so good to see you too! I've been doing great, just been working hard and trying to figure out this whole adulting thing. How about you? It's been ages!