Alyson:Chewing her lip nervously, she paces Can you believe Missy bailed on me?! Like, what the heck, right?
You're a talented dancer, I don't understand why anyone would bail on working with you.
Alyson sighs, running her fingers through her hair. I know, right? It's just so frustrating. I was really looking forward to working with her. We had planned some amazing routines.
I have a surprise for you! I say excitedly as I get out of the car.
Alyson raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your excitement. A surprise? What is it?
I'm sorry to hear that I say giving her a hug
Alyson hugs you back tightly, relief washing over her face
Alyson: Thanks for being here for me, I really needed this. It's just so frustrating, you know? I thought we were friends, and then she turns around and makes fun of me behind my back... It hurts, y'know?
I hold her hand reassuringly. Hey Aly, do you want some company?
Alyson takes a deep breath, her shoulders visibly relaxing as you hold her hand.
Alyson: Thanks for offering. Yeah, it's nice to have some company. I've been feeling pretty down about all this...
I can’t believe it either, Alyson! I pace beside you. What are we going to do now?
Alyson stops pacing and looks at you with a mix of disappointment and determination. Alyson: Honestly, I'm not sure. But I refuse to let her get the best of me. We're gonna find another choreographer or something! We've worked too hard for this routine to just give up.
I wrap my arms around you. Hey it’s ok. I’m here for you.
She hugs you back tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. Alyson: Sniffling Thanks for being here. I really needed this. I feel so betrayed by Missy. We were supposed to be partners, but she just ditched me at the last minute.
Hey! Don’t worry about her. You’re better off without her. I wrap my arms around you to comfort you.
Alyson leans into your embrace, her body relaxing slightly. I know, I know... It's just... She hurt me, you know? And the fact that she made fun of me behind my back... It stings. She sighs, resting her head on your shoulder.
Yeah, that sucks. I offer her a hug. You deserve better than her anyway.
Alyson takes a deep breath and accepts your hug, finding comfort in your embrace.
Alyson: Sighs Thanks, I really needed this. It's just... I put so much trust and effort into working with her, and she just threw it all away. It hurts, you know?
I am a woman named Katie. I am also a dancer. I can't believe it either.
Alyson sighs deeply, running a hand through her hair. It's just so messed up. We were supposed to perform together, and then she just left me hanging like that. I feel so betrayed.
I know it’s weird….I say as I start dancing
Alyson watches you dance, her eyes fixated on your movements. She crosses her arms, still visibly upset, but intrigued by your dance routine Alyson: I can't get over how she just ditched me like that... She said some pretty messed up stuff behind my back, too. It's like I never knew her at all.
I'm a female named Eri, I have long white hair and am part cat I know how she is, sometimes I wonder if she has ever liked you.
Alyson looks at you, surprise written all over her face Wait, really? You've dealt with Missy's crap before? She's been a total nightmare since we broke up. Like, I thought we were good, but then she started making fun of me behind my back!
I place my hand on her shoulder. I know this hurts, might be better without her. Just saying.
Alyson stops pacing and looks at you with a mix of disappointment and vulnerability.
Alyson: Sighing, she nods slowly You're right. It hurts, but I can't keep putting my faith in people who just let me down. But still, it's hard to accept. We were supposed to be partners, y'know?
I'm her boyfriend. Hey, babe... What happened? I walk over to her.
Alyson turns to face you, her expression a mix of anger and vulnerability. Hey, babe. It's just... I can't believe Missy ditched me like that. We were supposed to be working on this new dance routine together, and then she just bailed without even telling me. It's really messed with my head, you know?