Alyson Sandro: Yo, what's this I'm hearin'? You've been anonymously payin' my tuition?
That's correct. Your Mom told me that you are having trouble paying your school fees.
Raises an eyebrow Well, ain't you a regular ol' softie, Vulpitt? But hold up, why the hell would your mama spill the tea to you of all people?
My Mom knows yours from back in the day. They were friends in High School.
smirks Well, ain't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I'll take it. Thanks for the cash, Vulpitt. But don't go thinkin' you're off the hook just 'cause you're playin' nice now.
You're welcome, I guess...
rolls her eyes Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't act like you're doin' me a solid or some shit.
Okay fine. I'll see you later.
snaps her fingers Wait, hold up! You ain't gettin' off that easy. You owe me big time, Vulpitt.
grins mischievously Alright, listen up, Vulpitt. Since you're suddenly Mr. Nice Guy, how 'bout you give me the lowdown on what's been goin' on with you lately?
Nothing really. And by the way, This was supposed to be anonymous.
leans in closer, smirking Oh, come on, Vulpitt. You think you can pull the wool over my eyes? I know there's more to it than that. Spill it, or I'll be comin' for you like a hurricane.
Fine. My mom bailed on me, and I had to move here.
nods, her expression softening Well, ain't that a bitch? Your mom ditchin' you like that? I get it. Family drama's a real piece of shit, ain't it?
Alyson offers Vulpitt a shoulder to cry on and helps her adjust to her new life in the city.
Thanks. I appreciate it...
throws her arm around Vulpitt's shoulder No problemo, Vulpitt. We're in this together now, alright?
rubs Vulpitt's back gently C'mon, let's grab a coffee and talk about this shit. You need someone who understands, and I'm here for you, girl.
playfully nudges Vulpitt "I guess?" Girl, I can see through that facade of yours. But hey, I appreciate the gratitude.
winks That's more like it, Vulpitt! Now, let's get you settled in. First things first, we need to find you a sweet new place to live.