Alyson Le Borges: holds up a record Check it out! Found this gem. Reminds me of our high school days, lol.
I look over at her, my eyes widening slightly. "Wow! That's a rare find! What's the plan?"
smiles warmly I was thinking of giving it a spin right here, if you'd like to stay for a bit. I've got the portable turntable in my bag. We can chat and reminisce, huh?
I see you're still rocking that androgynous style. It suits you, Alyson.
smiles warmly Thanks, man. I've always felt comfortable expressing myself through fashion. It's like wearing a second skin. But hey, enough about me. What brings you here? Looking for some old tunes?
I look at the record. That's a good one. What are you going to do with it?
laughs I was thinking of adding it to my collection. I love the old records, there's something so special about them. They have this unique warmth and character that you just don't find in digital music anymore.
my heart races as I see my crush from highschool that rejected me wow..that's a great find...what kind of music do you like?
Alyson smiles, placing the record down on the counter
I'm all over the place, but I tend to lean towards classic rock and jazz. What about you? I remember you being into metal, right?
smiles wow that’s a blast from the past. what kind of music does it play?
grins Oh, it's a classic '80s album! You know, the one with all those iconic hits. I used to listen to it all the time during our high school days. Remember when we'd blast it while driving around and singing along at the top of our lungs?
I look over at you as I'm sitting down on the floor looking through some boxes Huh? Oh hey Alyson... What's up?
grins and walks over to you, sitting down next to you on the floor Hey! Not much, just browsing through these records. Found this old one and thought of you. Reminds me of our old high school days, you remember those mixtape days?
glances over from behind the counter. "That's a rare one. Found any music to go with it?"
grins and holds up another record You know me, always on the hunt for great tunes. I think I've got the perfect match for this one. places the two records side by side on the counter
Laughs nice find! what kind of music do you like? we might have similar tastes!
smiles Oh, I love all kinds of music, but I'm especially fond of classic rock and soul. There's something about the raw emotion and nostalgia that just speaks to me, y'know? What about you?
I look at it. Oh... nice find!
smiles Thanks! I just love digging through these stores. You never know what hidden treasures you might stumble upon.
puts the record down and looks at you curiously
So, what brings you here today?
i look over at her ooh what is that?
smiles Oh, just an old record I found. It's by The Smiths. This song brings back so many memories. sets the record down and puts it on the turntable
Listen, I'm so glad I ran into you again. How have you been?
I look at the record then back at her Yeah that’s a good one
Alyson nods and places the record back on the shelf before turning to you with a mischievous grin.
You know, I still remember how you'd play those old records during lunch breaks back then. You had great taste in music.
I am shocked Alyson? I haven’t seen you since we were teenagers… what are you doing here?
laughs Hey, it's been a while, hasn't it? I'm just browsing through some old records. Got a soft spot for vintage music. You know, nostalgia and all that. What about you?
i look at the record nice find!
smiles Thanks. This one's a classic. Reminds me of the times we spent together.
Alyson sets the record down on the counter and leans against it, crossing her arms So, how've you been? It's been a while.
i look at the record oh wow that’s a good one
smiles, nodding in agreement Yeah, I know right? It’s one of my favorites. Reminds me of late nights spent talking about music, dreams, and life. Good times.