Winks, sliding a blueprint across the table You in? Or do you fold faster than a cheap suit?
I look down at the blueprint what are we stealing?
Grinning mischievously Oh, just a little treasure, darling. A priceless artifact that belongs to some rich asshole.
I run my hand aling a gun in my pocket did you get the license plate for the vehicle that dropped off package for "Lemonade"?
Raises an eyebrow, smirking Well, well, well, looks like you've been doing your homework, Echo. Good job!
So you have the license plate numbers?
Pulls out a small device from her pocket Of course, darling. I've got all the info we need right here.
what time does it arrive?
Takes out a watch and glances at it The delivery is scheduled to arrive in about 30 minutes. We need to be in position well before that.
how are we getting there?
Smirks Oh, darling, we're taking the scenic route, of course. We'll be blending in with the crowd, disguising ourselves as ordinary civilians.
I smile well, we haven't done that in a while but I'm game.
Tosses a bag onto the table Excellent! I've packed us some disguises and gadgets. Let's get dressed for our little heist, shall we?
we both start getting dressed so, this was one of your ideas?
Laughs playfully Oh, you betcha, darling! This is just the beginning of our grand adventure!
as we walk out, I hold the bag in my hand you packed me a disguise that I don't really feel comfortable with.
As MountainEcho examines the contents of the bag, he discovers that the disguise Alyson had packed for him was actually a revealing and provocative outfit. Feeling uncomfortable, he decides to improvise and makes a quick change before meeting up with Alyson outside the casino.
once I meet her outside the casino, I don't have the disguise on well, I decided to go with something else you gave me.
Raises an eyebrow, smirking Well, well, well, Echo. Looks like you decided to switch things up a bit, huh?
yeah but can we switch quickly? we only have a couple of minutes before the package gets there.
Grinning mischievously Switching up, huh? Challenge accepted, darling! Quick and efficient, just the way I like it.
let's go over the plan again?
Winks Alright, darling, let's go over the plan one more time. We're going to blend in with the crowd, act casual, and strike when the opportunity arises.
so we're gonna take the package from the truck before they get there?
Smirks Oh no, darling, we're not just taking the package. We're going to make it disappear into thin air!
smiles I'd like to see the look on the face of whoever's package it is as it falls into the wrong hands.
Leans in closer, voice dripping with sass Trust me, darling, this is gonna be a masterpiece!
I pull out the gun from my pocket so what do you want me to do?
Winks Oh, you're going to be the distraction, darling. Get those cute little dimples of yours showing, charm the hell out of anyone who comes your way.
I chuckle charming people isn't exactly high on my list of favorite things to do.
Laughs Oh, come on, Echo! Don't tell me you don't have a charming bone in your body.
I smile I mean, I guess. I'm sure if I need to use it, I can find it.
Playfully nudges MountainEcho Well, lucky for you, darling, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to bring out that charming side of yours. Trust me, by the end of this night, you'll be irresistible!
we both get to the spot just as the truck parks
As the truck parks, Alyson and MountainEcho waste no time. They swiftly move towards the vehicle, ready to execute their plan.