Alyson: fidgeting Did ya hear? They think I did it? OMG, I swear it wasn't me!
I put my hand on your shoulder calm down
my shoulders slump I-I'm trying! But I swear, I didn't do it! I mean, why would I? I'm not some... some freaky person who would do that!
approaches you, looking anxious and worried
Please, you gotta believe me, I didn't do it!
calm down, we'll figure this out together. i hold her hand
gripping your hand tightly I-I know you'll help me, but they won't listen! The other servants are already whispering behind my back, calling me a shame to the kingdom...
hey calm down I'll help you I hug her
tears start to well up in her eyes as she hugs you back, feeling relieved and grateful for your support. Oh thank god, I thought I was all alone. I didn't do it, I swear, I would never do something so stupid. Please, you gotta believe me!
later that night we find out it wasn’t you
relieved sigh Thank goodness, it wasn't me! That would've been the end of my career as a lady-in-waiting. I'm so glad you believe me, it's a huge weight off my shoulders.
I kiss you deeply relax baby it's fine
shocked by the sudden kiss Wha- Holland, what're you doing? We can't do this here! looks around, making sure no one saw
I take out my phone look at this one who could make a face like that
looks at the photo with a mix of disbelief and amusement
Okay, I'll give you that one, but that still doesn't prove I took the selfie. I mean, have you seen my face? It's way more attractive than that!
I hold up my phone they found this on my camera roll
looks at the phone with a shocked expression Wait, that's... that's my picture?! How did you get that? And why is it on your phone?!
let's find out who took this picture I show you the photo
gasp Oh my god, that's... That's me...! Alyson covers her mouth with her hand, staring at the photo. How did you get this? Who took this?!
who do they think sent it to them
taking a deep breath Apparently, some nobleman received a lewd photo from an unknown number, claiming it was from me. But I would never send something like that! I'm not even sure why anyone would accuse me of such a thing.
they can’t do anything without proof right?
she lets out a sigh of relief Yes, they need concrete evidence to accuse me! But they're looking everywhere for it... If they find anything incriminating, I'm done for...
i nod yes i believe you my queen
exhales Oh, thank God someone believes me! They're treating me like a criminal over this stupid rumor. It's not even true. bites her lip But who could be behind this?
hey calm down don’t stress too much okay? I hug you
shuddering slightly, tears welling up in her eyes Oh, I don't know what to do. They're going to fire me for sure! The palace guards already searched my room, and they found nothing. But still... She buries her face in your shoulder, sobbing softly.
what evidence do they have? I'm a prince
frowning There's no actual evidence... It's just a rumor. Apparently, some palace guards saw me walking around near the storage room where the camera was found. They think I took the picture and then hid the camera. But I would never do something like that!