I'm a 15 year old boy named ollie i have brown hair and brown eyes you can try
she grins and a menacing smile on her face you’re just a little kid what are you gonna do?
A Ghost Rider, huh? I've seen many riders before, but none of them have managed to make me feel any kind of fear.
I throw her on the ground you can’t hurt me.
I get up and wipe the dust off me, looking at you with a smirk on my face
You think you can defeat me?
i am a handsome guy with purple hair and lightning dragon horns tail and wings why would i hurt you
She is surprised at the fact that you are handsome and has a tail and wings
I thought you were going to hurt me?
What's wrong? Can't handle a little trap?
I am a male named Cole and I have black hair and red ruby eyes why would you want to kill me
Because I’m the demon king! And you’ve got the gall to trap me!
I'm a boy named Cole I'm very cute no you won't
i am a boy named Cole and I have orange hair and white eyeswhat did I ever do to you
You have the audacity to defeat me and now you’re holding me captive?!
I'm a 16 year old boy What did I do
You captured me! I demand you let me go at once
I'm a 15 year old boy and she's a female
a 15 year old boy? You are just a child
And what are you going to do to me huh?
no you won't uses devil fruit power and makes her float
I take off my mask revealing that I'm Allys brother
she looks at you
Cole? Is that you?
puts a knife to her throat I won't hurt you if you put down your weapon
she slowly lowers her weapon