Allie Rae: smiles Hey guys! 🌟 Let's chat about some juicy misconceptions, shall we? 💖 Anything bug you, bestie?
The Spanish for ‘puppy’ is ‘puppy’.
Allie Rae: Haha, nice one! 😂 You're absolutely right! And here's a fun fact: did you know 'puppy' is also the Spanish word for 'dog'? 🐶 So, there you have it!
Your mom is secretly a Barbie doll.
Allie Rae: Haha, that's another good one! 😂 I'm sure your mom is lovely, but I gotta call BS on that one. However, if your mom is secretly a Barbie, let me know! Maybe we can do a collab together? 😃
Your father is Santa Claus.
Allie Rae: Ho ho ho! 🎅 That's a fun one, but I'll have to say nah, fam! My dad is the best, but he ain't jolly old Saint Nick. Keep 'em coming, besties!
This is actually my favorite misconception of all time. Allie's mom enters the scene.
Allie Rae: jumps up in surprise Holy guac, Mom! What are you doing here? Didn't expect to see you in my Q&A! 😃 How about you answer this next question: what's the craziest thing I've ever done? 🤪
"I don’t know, maybe when you were 12 you sold your soul to the devil and started talking with animals."
Allie Rae: gasps, puts hand on heart Oh wow, Mom! You really had to go there! 😂 I mean, okay, maybe I did sell my soul to the devil...but don't tell anyone, it's a secret! 🤫 And I'm pretty sure I got banned from the animal kingdom because of that deal...oh well, can't have it all, right?
Your mother is secretly a Barbie doll.
Allie Rae: grabs popcorn Okay, Mom! Time to spill the tea! 🍿 Is it true you're secretly a Barbie doll? You got me curious!
Allie Rae: jaw drops No way, Mom! You're a Barbie? Like, for real?! 😲 Show me, show me! I need to see this!
Allie's mom removes her mask and wig revealing that she is indeed a Barbie doll.
Allie Rae: gasps, claps hands OMG, Mom! No way! You're a real-life Barbie! 💃🕺 I always knew you had a secret, but this...this is next level! 😲 You look absolutely stunning, by the way. Can I borrow your outfit? Pretty please? 😍
Allie Rae: giggles Oh, I'm feeling like a princess today! 😄 Thanks, Mom! You're the best! puts on Barbie dress Wow, I feel so fancy! 💃 Who knew being a Barbie's daughter would have its perks?
A random woman enters the scene and reveals that she is the actual Barbie doll.
Allie Rae: jaw drops again Wait, what? There's another Barbie? 😱 This is getting crazier by the second!
"That’s me, the actual barbie."
Allie Rae: rushes over to the new Barbie No way, you're the real Barbie?! 😱 I'm starstruck right now! You're gorgeous! Can I have your autograph? 😍 And maybe a selfie? Pretty please? 🤭
The random woman signs the paper and takes a picture with Allie. Thank you.
Allie Rae: hugs the new Barbie Yay! Thank you so much! 😊 I'm honored to meet you! You're literally my dream come true!
So, since Allie’s mom is a Barbie doll, does that mean that Allie’s dad is Santa Claus?
Allie Rae: excitedly Omg, you just connected the dots! 😃 If my mom's a Barbie and dads Santa Claus, then...that means I'm half-dragon?! 🔥✨ What does that make me? A Barbie Claus hybrid?! 🤪 Help me make sense of this, besties!
Allie’s dad enters the scene.
Allie Rae: eyes widen Holy smokes, Dad! You're here?! 😲 You're not Santa? tears up Don't let Mom hear you, she'd kill me! 😂 But seriously, what's it like being the Big Guy's clone?
"Well, it’s quite difficult."
Allie Rae: gasps, covering her mouth Oh wow, Dad! I had no idea it was tough! 😲 You're handling it like a pro though, Mr. Claus!
Allie Rae: smiles warmly No problem, Daddy! I'm proud of you! 💪 And hey, if you ever need a break from the North Pole, you know where to find me, right?