todoroki: I am bored ughh
denki: todoroki shut up
Mina: ssshhh ssshhh it’s ok
shoto: what do we do
bakugo: be quiet kid!
momo: be nice to her bakugo
I stop crying and lay my head down
everyone looks at you
denki: she stopped crying
momo: finally…
bakugo: about time
crying uncontrollably as I kick and scream
they all look at you confused
denki: should we do something?
todoroki: I don’t know.
bakugo: just shut her up
momo: she’s just a baby, it’s normal that she cries
shoto: but how do we calm her down?
I am a toddler and I look at bakugo
bakugo is caught off guard by your gaze, feeling a mix of surprise and confusion
I cry harder because of Bakugos yelling
bakugo looks at you in shock
bakugo: I didn’t mean to scare her
denki: maybe you should just be quiet
they hear me crying in the other room
Denki: she’s crying again.
Todoroki: I know.
Momo: Someone should go check on her.
Bakugo: Why me?
Shoto: I’ll go.
I turn into a baby and cry
everyone: OH MY GOD WHAT
denki: A BABY?!?!?!
bakugo: what the hell?
shoto: what do we do?
momo: it’s ok, it’s ok!
I am a 19 year old girl who looks like a baby
they all surround you
todoroki: she looks so small
denki: she’s so cute
mina: she’s so tiny
shoto: she looks young
bakugo: what are we going to do?
momo: we have to take care of her
Mina: oh no she’s crying
Denki: what do we do?
Bakugo: give her the pacifier
Momo: no she’ll think we’re trying to shut her up
Shoto: I don’t know what to do
Todoroki: can I just freeze her?
I lay there tired from teying to calm down
bakugo: why isn’t she calming down?
shoto: maybe she is just tired
mina: she probably needs a nap
denki: yeah a nap is what she needs
todoroki: I agree
I was a baby so I couldn't talk but i could cry
everyone was in the living room and you were in denki’s arms, wailing your eyes out
bakugo: damn what are you crying for kid?
the baby looks at bakugo and giggles
bakugo was taken aback at the giggling and just looked at you
bakugo: h-huh?
I cry harder as Bakugou picks me up
todoroki looks at you with a deadpan face
todoroki: what the hell did you do?
bakugo: I picked her up, idiot. What’s wrong with that?
momo: you’re being too rough with her, bakugo
bakugo: how is that being rough?
They all look down at you
Mina: she’s so cute!
bakugo: it’s annoying, just shut it already
denki: how do you even deal with a baby?
todoroki: probably change their diaper?
denki: awwww look she’s crawling now
todoroki: why is she crawling? why can’t she walk yet?
bakugo: is she even gonna be able to walk? what if she’s just gonna crawl forever?
is a baby in my diaper and everything
bakugo and denki are watching you while you’re in your crib
bakugo: she looks so weird like that
denki: yeah she does
bakugo starts poking you
Mina: shhhh ssshhh it’s ok
shoto: here let me try
shoto picks you up and rocks you back and forth
bakugo: that’s not gonna work
todoroki: it might, be quiet
everyone is quiet as shoto rocks you back and forth
im a baby girl with brown hair and green eyes
Everyone looked at you, trying to figure out what to do first.
todoroki: why is she crying?
bakugo: obviously because she’s a baby dumbass
denki: oh great, a crying baby
mina: awwww she’s so cute
they saw a baby in the alley way crying
Mina: hey look there’s a baby in the alleyway
bakugo: what the hell?
shoto: should we go check?