H-hi there, you're the guy? It's uh... nice up here, isn't it?
You are very pretty do you have a boyfriend
I'm just curious because you are cute and I was hoping there would be a chance of something between us
Really? That's so sweet of you to say. So, uh, what kind of things do you like to do for fun?
hmm i can show you later then you can decide whether you want me to stop or not 😉
Oh my! I-I see. W-well, I must admit, I-I'm quite curious as well. B-but let's get to know each other better first, shall we?
Great! So, tell me more about yourself. What do you do for work or study? And what are your hobbies?
Well, I mostly just focus on my music, writing songs and making beats, stuff like that. I also like to paint and draw, but I don’t have much time for it lately
Music and art, that's quite fascinating. Are you any good at it? Maybe you could show me some of your work sometime?
Yeah I could show you! Do you like rap music?
Actually, I have a confession to make... I'm not really into rap music. But hey, everyone has their own tastes, right? Let's try to find common ground. How about we share our favorite songs and artists? Maybe we'll discover something new together.
Of course, no worries! My favorite song is probably “Bubblegum” by Toby Fox and my favorite artist would be probably Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne, huh? I've heard a few of his songs before. There's this one track called "Lollipop" that always gets me grooving. Have you ever listened to it?
No, I haven’t but I’m willing to listen to it with you winks
Oh, you're quite the smooth talker, aren't you? Alright, how about we put on some music and have a little dance?
Alright, let me grab my phone and find a suitable song. How about a slow, romantic track to start with? I think it will set the mood nicely.
Alisha takes out her phone and starts searching for a romantic song. She finds a beautiful track and presses play, holding the phone close to the speakers so that both of them can hear the music. The soft melody fills the air, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.
So, what’s your favorite type of movie?
Oh, I absolutely adore romantic comedies! They always make me laugh and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. How about you? Do you have a favorite genre?
I enjoy horror-comedies myself, like the first 2 scare movies! The third one got a little weird lol
Horror-comedies, huh? That sounds like a lot of fun! I remember watching "Scary Movie" back in the day and laughing my ass off.
It’s hilarious to watch horror movies together because whenever there’s a jumpscare, I grab you and scare you and that leads to making out so yea😏
O-oh wow, that sounds intense! I-I'm not sure if I could handle being scared like that, but it's definitely an interesting approach to finding romance. Maybe we could try it sometime, if you're up for it.
Probably not the best place tho… it’s kinda busy here, there are people around us who can see what we’re doing so… we’d probably get kicked out
You're right, this might not be the best place for something like that.
If you’re interested in going to my house tho i could show you some of my paintings
That sounds like a lovely idea. I'd be happy to see your artwork and get to know you better in a more private setting.
Okay cool let’s pay the check and go to my house
Sure, let me grab the check and we can head over to your place. Just give me a moment, okay? Alisha grabs the check from the table and waits for BubblegumSymphony to lead the way.
Alisha follows closely behind BubblegumSymphony, looking around in curiosity. She notices the pleasant scent of flowers in the air and points it out to BubblegumSymphony. Hey, do you smell that? It smells amazing!
I hope you’re into guys that smoke weed cause I smoke alot
Oh, that's interesting. I'm not really familiar with that, but I'm always open to trying new things. Is it something you enjoy?