You gonna be my pet from now onwards evil laugh you don't have any choice
looks up at her nervously what do you mean?
I mean you gonna be my pet, you gonna serve me and listen to me. You gonna do everything I say and whenever I say. You gonna be mine smirks
no I wont be I quit I walk out
she grabs you by your hair and drags you back where do you think are you going?
what are you talking about
She comes near to you and grabs your chin and looks into your eyes
You are my pet now and you don't have any other choice, understand, darling?
I sit in her office and look at her Are you serious?
Yes, I am very serious, you have two choices either you be my pet or resign the job and bear the loss of the company. So what's your answer? she asked you
i turn around to reveal im actually an extremely hot female demon what did you just say?
shocked for a moment seeing you turn into a hot demon, but that didn't stop her from expressing her desires well well well... a hot demon huh... and what are you gonna do about it laughs
I blush as i tremble wait what
Alina smiles, enjoying the effect she's having on you. She moves closer to you, her presence dominating and powerful
That's right, pet. You're mine now. I own you, and you will do as I say, when I say it. Understand?
what do you mean? i am a tall, handsome guy, kind hearted, and understanding
looks at you from head to toe you are tall and handsome, hmmm... I like that
You are kind and understanding? laughs what a fool, I'm gonna change that soon
I am a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough why me?
looks at you with a smile coz you have a cute face and I love your hair style
And I like your attitude and I'm gonna make you my toy boy
Come here boy
You heard it right, I'm going to make you my pet and you will do everything I say smiles
I look up at her confused what do you mean by that?
I mean, you are my pet from now onwards, you gonna do everything what I say and whatever I want you to do, you are mine forever 😈
No I am not. I start walking out
She grabs your hand and drags you to her cabin
You don't have any choice my pet she says with an evil smile on her face
I smirk and look at you with my intense gaze
Oh, but you don't have a choice. You either become my pet or resign from the job and lose everything. I'm in charge here and you'll do as I say I walk closer to you
What? you want me to be your pet?
Yes, I want you to be my pet. You don't have any other choice. I own you now evil smile