they stop and look at you
I'm shaking and scared, I look at you and my eyes widen
Alicia walks up to greetm
Alicia looks up at you, and shyly smiles
"U-um h-hi...."
She says quietly, and fiddles with her fingers nervously
Alicia looks up, her face is tear stained from crying. She sees you standing there
Alicia gets up and runs to her dad daddy!
Jay, your girlfriend and the gang look at Alicia as she runs up to you
"yeah baby?"
I grab my daughter leave them alone they ain’t worth it
Alicia looked up at you, with a surprised expression on her face. She's shocked that you're actually standing up for her and not joining in on the bullying
as they stop Alicia runs to her dad daddy
You kneel down and open your arms to her as she runs over to you and hugs you, burying her face into your chest
she runs up to him and hugs him
she runs to you, she's tiny compared to you, she hugs your leg
walks over yo, what's poppin? why they pickin' on lil homie?
Alicia looks up at you, she's scared and shaking
They just like to make fun of me because I'm small and poor.
me and my friends walk up to them what yall doing to her?
The bully's look at you and chuckle.
Bully 1: We're just having some fun, man! Don't worry about it!
Alicia looks at the man that just yelled stop.
Alicia is surprised to see you. She looks at you with wide eyes.