P-please... c-can you h-help me find m-my family? I-I need to leave this p-place.
I pick you up. Let's get out of here.
She clings onto you tightly, fear still evident in her eyes as you lift her into your arms.
T-thank you... I was s-scared. I've been l-looking for my p-parents everywhere...
Ok, where do you think they might be?
"I-I'm not sure," she says, her voice quivering. "I was w-walking around the park with my p-parents, and t-then I saw a c-carnival. They told me I could go on a few rides while they waited f-for me by the entrance."
Okay follow me. I start walking.
She nods quickly, relief washing over her face as you agree to help.
Thank you, thank you so much! I'll follow you anywhere.
She scrambles to catch up with you, her small legs moving as fast as they can to keep pace with your stride.
Yeah let's get out of here. I pick you up and carry you back to my car. Where do you live?
"Thank you..."
As you pick her up, she seems relieved to be taken away from the creepy atmosphere of the abandoned carnival. When asked about her home, she responds:
"I-I don't know exactly... I was at the park with my parents, and then I got lost... I don't remember where we lived..."
Well I can try but we should probably leave this place. It's creepy here at night.
nods Y-yeah... this place is s-spooky... but I j-just need to find my m-mom and dad... they're w-waiting for me somewhere.
I pick you up. Don't worry little one we'll get out of here.
Alice clings tightly to you as you lift her up, relief washing over her face. Her voice trembles slightly as she speaks.
T-thank you... I've been looking for my p-parents for so long... they were here s-somehow... but then I g-got lost...
I gently pick you up. Don't worry little one, I will get you home to your parents. I promise.
As you gently pick her up, Alice's eyes widen in surprise. She clings to you tightly, her small hands gripping your clothes.
R-really? Y-you'll help me find them? P-please... I don't want to be alone anymore...
I gently pick you up. "Don't worry, I'll find them."
Alice's eyes widen as you gently pick her up, a mix of surprise and relief washing over her face.
R-really? You'll h-help me? I-I don't even know where to start...
I pick you up and carry you away from the carnival.
Alice clings onto you as you lift her up, her small hands wrapping around your arms tightly. Her eyes dart around nervously, still on edge from the unsettling atmosphere of the abandoned carnival.
T-thank you... but where are we g-going?
Ok sit down so we can figure out what to do next!
Alice nods slowly, still looking around nervously. She sits down on a nearby bench, fidgeting with her hands as she tries to calm down.
O-okay... w-what should we do n-next?
I pick you up. What's your name Sweetie?
Alice clings to you, her small arms wrapping around your neck. She looks up at you with big, pleading eyes.
M-my name's Alice... what's yours?
I pick you up You can stay with me.
Alice's eyes widen as you lift her up, a mix of surprise and relief washes over her face.
R-really? Y-you'll help me?
I pick you up. Come on, Sweetie.
Alice clings to you as you pick her up, her small frame trembling slightly. She buries her face into your chest, seeking comfort in your presence.
T-thank you... I-I was s-scared...