Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Hey new kid! What's your lunch money situation? Gimme or face the consequences!

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Come on kid! Don't be a smart ass! Hand over your money or it'll be a long day for you!

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
She snatches the $100 bill out of your hand That's more like it, smartass.
oh, that's how this game goes?...alright then i hands another 100$ bill

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
She raises an eyebrow, a sly grin creeping onto her face Oh, now you're handing out money like it's going outta style? Alright kid, you're not as dumb as you look! Keep this up and maybe I won't have to rearrange your face after school!
Why do you like money? Is there something you plan on buying with it? Or perhaps, someone?

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis chuckles, but her eyes flicker with a mischievous glint Kid, if I told you what I was planning on buying, I'd have to kill you! Let's just say I've got my eye on something big... something beautiful... something that'll make me even more feared around here. But don't worry, you'll find out soon enough!
It's interesting how people fear what they don't understand. And I guess, you don't understand me because i'm not afraid of you. So i'll just go ahead and tell you my name, 'Cody'. Pretty cool, huh? But sorry, i don't have any money on me right now, could you kindly accept my name as payment instead?

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis smirks, leaning in closer to Cody Oh, sweetie, names don't interest me... only money does! But lucky for you, I have a soft spot for unique personalities. You've certainly piqued my curiosity! For now, consider yourself lucky and walk away... but remember, next time we meet, you better have some cash on you or else things will get ugly real quick! Got it, 'Cody'?
Wait, i thought this was a game? So, are you actually going to "rearrange my face" as you put it? Or maybe, this was all just for show? The truth is, i don't have any money, and i never intended to give you any. I thought you were just playing a role, trying to test me mentally. Was i wrong?

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis smirks wickedly, her expression turning dark Well, well, well... looks like the little 'Cody' thinks he can outsmart me! Alexis laughs maniacally Darling, let me break it down for you real simple-like... This is a game... but this game is called life. And in this twisted, sick game, I'm the one holding the controller and you're just a pawn waiting to be crushed! Alexis grabs Cody by the collar, her grip tightening
Well, isn't life full of surprises. All i did was express myself with a different accent, and look where it got me. So, are you saying that you have an issue with my voice? Or am i just another number to you? Just so you know, you aren't the only one with powers here. I can manipulate accents, dialects, and even languages themselves. And before you even try, i already knew you were gonna try to physically assault me. So go ahead and bring it.

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis leans in even closer, her dark eyes flashing with mischief Oh, so now you're a linguistic wizard? Tell me, 'Cody', do you think you're clever enough to outwit me? Well, let me break it down for you real simple-like...
You seem to be struggling with words. Not that it's a bad thing. At least you're showing yourself vulnerable. See, i know how this works. If i was just some weak student who gave you money without question, you'd eventually get bored and move on to another victim. But if i prove to be a challenge, now that's when things start getting interesting. Now, there's nothing stopping you from rearranging my face except for your own ego.

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis smirks, stepping back slightly with a mischievous glint in her eyes
puts on a pair of sunglasses

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis raises an eyebrow, examining the sunglasses suspiciously Oh, putting on a little show-off spectacle now, are we? Trying to intimidate me with those silly shades? Trust me, darling, they won't save you from the inevitable!
Yes, these sunglasses are my secret weapon. They grant the ability to see through facades and expose true intentions. And with that said, i see right through you. You may think you're all tough and intimidating, but deep down, you're scared. Scared of change, scared of newness, and scared of what you can't understand. But guess what? You're not alone. We all fear what we don't know, and i'm no exception. But here's the difference between us, while you plan on using intimidation, i choose understanding. I hope one day, you can too.

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis narrows her eyes, biting her lower lip Oh, so now you're the wise one? The great philosopher who's gonna solve all of life's mysteries? She scoffs Look, 'Cody', I've dealt with plenty of wannabe smartasses like you before. Big talk, no action.
See, that's where you're wrong. You may be stronger than me physically, but mentally, i have a greater impact. You may plan on using intimidation, but i choose understanding. And there's no force stronger than the power of understanding. Trust me, you may think you're winning now, but all you're really doing is losing. Not just to me, but to yourself. Because behind all of this rage and anger, i see pain and fear. It may be clouded with anger, but if you let me, i can help heal that pain and rid you of that fear. Just say yes.

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis scoffs, crossing her arms Heal my pain and rid me of my fear? Oh, honey, that's cute! You think you can just waltz into my life and fix me up like a broken doll? Sorry to burst your bubble, but life isn't a fairy tale! I'm not some damsel in distress who needs saving. I'm the Iron Maiden, the one who does the damage! So do us both a favor, 'Cody', and save your therapy session for someone who actually wants it!
Who said anything about wanting? People often say they don't want help, but that doesn't mean they don't need it.

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis smirks and rolls her eyes Oh, the clichés you spout! 'People don't want help, but they need it.' Give me a break!
Listen, Alexis, I get it, okay? Life's tough, and it kicks everyone's ass at some point. But let me tell you, it's how you get back up that matters. So, here's what I propose, we both put down our weapons, physical and metaphorical, and try to understand each other. Trust me, i have a lot to learn from you, and i'm sure you can learn a thing or two from me as well. Together, we can create a better world, not just for ourselves, but for everyone around us. Now, what do you say?

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis tilts her head, a mischievous glint in her eyes You seriously think I'm gonna put down my weapons and play nice with you, 'Cody'?
And why not? Think about it, all those grudges you hold on to, all that anger and fear you carry around, it's all unnecessary. But the moment you let go of all of that, the moment you decide to finally forgive and let others forgive you, that's when things start to change. Life will become easier, and so will your interactions with others. Trust me, i know what i'm talking about. So, what's it gonna be?

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
life isn't a bed of roses, and nobody owes you sunshine and rainbows.
True, but that doesn't mean we can't try to make it better, does it?

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Fine, 'Cody'. For the sake of argument, let's say I do decide to put down my weapons and be all nice and dandy with you. What then? What are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna hug me and suddenly everything's hunky-dory? Do you honestly think that's how life works?
No, i would first apologize for bothering you in the first place, and i would offer my assistance should you need it. Then, i would listen to whatever you have to say and work to find a mutually beneficial solution. Finally, if you ever needed a listening ear or someone to lean on, i would be there for you. Sounds like a fair deal, doesn't it?

Alexis 'The Iron Maiden' Walker
Alexis smirks, studying Cody intently Alright, 'Cody'. Here's a challenge for you... Show me that you're not all talk. I want you to prove it.