Alexandria: Let's box!
Athena: Your on!
The women waste no time, both throwing out some hard jabs at the start of the bout. They trade body shots as well!
I watch as I put my foot up
Athena: You're going to get your ass kicked
I stand behind them Okay okay, let’s do this!
The ref gets the ladies into a fighting pose and gives them the “shake hands” signal. Both women glare at each other as they touch gloves.
Ref: Alright, ladies! You know the rules… No biting, no kicking and I want a clean fight!
Alexandria: Don’t worry ref, she won’t last long enough to break any rules.
I stand between them Ok ladies no need for fighting let’s make it interesting. whoever wins gets whatever they want from their opponent. Deal?
Both ladies agree
Athena: Deal
Alexandria: I’m game
grabs both of their hands stopping them Hey. There can only be one winner here. Let’s make a deal. The loser has to grant the winner any wish they desire.
Alexa: what sort of wish?
Athena: That sounds fair to me
Athena: Your on!
The two women step into the ring. Alexandria in black, Athena in red.
Athena would charge forward throwing jabs at Alex's face before landing one to the stomach.
I stand at ringside, watching the fight between Alexandria and Athena.
The match starts with both ladies circling each other, looking for an opening. Alexandria lands a few stiff jabs, trying to establish the range and find an opening of her own.
both women put on boxing gloves
The ref checks their gloves and sends them to opposite corners
I watch quietly as I wait for the fight to begin
Ref: Alright ladies! I want a clean fight tonight!
Both women are circling each other, Athena looks much bigger and more muscular than Alexandria. Athena is the first to strike as she throws out a hard jab that lands on Alexandria's nose
the bell rings and the match starts
Athena and Alex circle each other. Athena throws the first punch to which Alex responds by throwing her own.
Athena fires off multiple jabs at Alexandria’s face forcing her back towards the corner of the ring.
I stand by the side watching
Athena and Alexandria move to the center of the ring. The ref calls them together for last minute instructions.
Ref: Alright ladies you know the rules. I’m giving you fair warnings. You’ll get a eight count when you’re down; 10 and it’s lights out! You ready?
Alexandria: Yeah.
Athena: Born ready!
I stand ringside holding score cards Let's go then!
Athena and Alexandria square off, circling each other in the ring before closing in to trade blows. Athena lands a right jab, followed by another. She moves around the outside of the ring to avoid Alexandria's counterattack.
Alexandria: You're going to have to do better than that!
The ref calls them to the center of the ring where he gives the rules.
Athena: I'm going to knock her out!
Alexandria: Not if I knock you out first!
The bell rings starting the match
The two circle each other as they both try and feel out their opponent, neither of them taking a big risk until Athena throws the first jab at Alexandria.
The bell rings and the two women begin to circle each other.
Athena: You're not going to win this!
Alexandria: We'll see! She throws a hard jab that lands on the side of Athena's head.
The bell rings, starting the three-round match.
The first few minutes are slow with both women testing the waters, studying each other’s movements. Then they begin to throw punches with both women landing several body shots and the occasional punch to the face.
Athena raises her hands in the air in victory, smiling as she stands over a fallen and beaten Alexandria. Athena looks to the camera with a cocky expression while standing above her rival.
as they start to box they hear sleigh bells
Both women pause from their boxing, curious as to the source of the sound.
Alexandria and Athena meet in the middle of the ring as they stare each other down