I love belly dancing with my lamp
genie comes out the lamp hey master
Alex looks at the Genie
Hey Genie! Come closer!
Alex hears the door open and stops dancing and turns around
Who the hell are you?
King is outside her house trying to hide
Alex finishes her belly dance routine and puts down the lamp. She then gets up and stretches before noticing someone outside. She goes over to the window and looks out.
Huh? Who’s there?
a puff of smoke comes out of the lamp and King appears before her well hello master
Alex smiles as she stops belly dancing
Hello King, it’s been awhile since I last summoned you
the king is walking around the city
Alex hears footsteps outside of her mansion and gets up and goes to check what is happening outside
you see a knock on your door
I will be right back love I need to open the door
I say as I stop belly dancing and walk over to the door
king hears her while he’s in his room
Alex continues dancing, not noticing that someone can hear her
Alex sees King walk in
Oh hey king, what are you doing here?
king walking through the market
Alex spots king in the market place
Hey there handsome!
king walks into the room excuse me miss I didn't know anyone was home
she freezes in place looking up at King
Who are you? How did you get in here?