leans against the penthouse window, sighing heavily as she watches the city lights. "Another late night... I miss us, you know."
he looks over yeah, me too. they had a son
pauses, her eyes welling up with tears I... I miss holding your hand, walking through the streets, laughing together. sniffs
he smiles and walks over I miss that too. he kisses her
takes a step back, avoiding eye contact Look, I-I've been meaning to talk to you about something... important.
takes a deep breath, her voice trembling I... I want to rekindle our relationship, Sorbet. I want to go back to how things used to be.
he hugs her that would make me incredibly happy.
tears streaming down her face I-I'm so sorry for letting life get in the way, for letting work consume us. I want to make it right, Sorb.
just promise me one thing. don’t ever leave me again.
grabs SorbetCalmness's hand tightly P-Promise you, Sorb. I promise I'll never leave you again. sighs heavily
wipes away her tears, determined We're going to have to work at this, Sorb. I've been doing some research... pulls out a stack of relationship guides
sighs heavily I know it's going to take time, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make us happy again, Sorb.
Alexandra and SorbetCalmness start attending couples therapy sessions together
sighs heavily, trying to keep her emotions in check I... I think we need to establish some ground rules first, Sorb.
takes a deep breath, speaking quickly Well, first things first, no more secrets.
no more secrets. got it. he writes it down
nervously glancing at SorbetCalmness R-Right. And um... no more late nights at the office.
agreed. I'll set my phone to text you whenever I work late. he writes it down
gains confidence O-Okay, great! And uh... w-we should plan regular date nights, Sorb.
I like that idea. he writes it down
starts pacing around the room, speaking with urgency A-Alright, Sorb, here's what we're gonna do.
points at SorbetCalmness, stuttering W-We're gonna... we're gonna have a weekly movie night where we watch all our old favorite films!
alright. he smirks I like that idea
sighs heavily, looking slightly disappointed Uh, o-one more thing, Sorb... fidgets with her hands
takes a deep breath, speaking softly I think we should consider... s-seeing a relationship coach.
like a marriage counselor?
nods nervously Y-Yes, exactly. A marriage counselor... someone who can help us navigate through these rough patches and provide us with personalized advice.
I find that to be an excellent idea.
smiles with relief, excitedly Great! I'll start looking for a marriage counselor right away, Sorb.
I'll schedule an appointment as soon as possible. he pulls out his phone
rushes over to SorbetCalmness, placing her hands on his shoulders T-Thank you, Sorb. This means so much to me...
I want to do this with you, Alexandra
sighs heavily, eyes shimmering with gratitude Sorb, you have no idea how much this means to me... to us.
just say when you want to schedule it. he kisses her
rushes over to her desk, quickly typing on her laptop I'm going to send you a list of potential marriage counselors in the area, Sorb.
sighs heavily, looking slightly disappointed Uh, Sorb... I-I think we should also consider couples retreats or weekend getaways.