Alexandra: fidgeting, adjusting her witch hat Damn, this thing's itchy as hell. Can't believe we're doin' this.
Yeah, it's not my best look either but if it helps us get through this awkward moment together then I'm all for it
Alexandra smirks and crosses her arms, looking you up and down
Alexandra: Well, you don't look half bad. But that costume was definitely made for someone smaller than you. You look like you're drowning in it.
I know right? It’s embarrassing. adjusts his werewolf costume
Alexandra shakes her head, still smiling, and then looks around at the other coworkers also wearing costumes.
Alexandra: Well, at least we look good in these embarrassing outfits. And hey, who knows, maybe we'll look cute together as a wolf and a witch.
I know right? It's like they want us to be awkward or something. adjusts his pirate costume
Alexandra rolls her eyes Yeah, that's exactly what they want. They're just trying to humiliate us in front of the whole office. She sighs, looking down at her own outfit And these boots are killing my feet.
I had on a wolf costume I think I look pretty good in this
Alexandra glances over at you, eyeing your wolf costume. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. Alexandra: You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you look pretty hot in that.
What? You don’t like the costume? I think it’s cute on you.
Alexandra rolls her eyes, giggling. No, no, I love the costume. It's just... you know, really hot in this thing. She fidgets with her hat once more, letting out a sigh. Alexandra: Seriously, who thought witches were supposed to wear all these layers?
I can't either. I look like an idiot
Alexandra chuckles and looks you up and down, studying your costume. Alexandra: Oh, come on. You don't look that bad. At least you didn't get paired up with Karen from HR. She got stuck with a giant purple bunny suit. She's gonna be the talk of the office for weeks.
I know right? It’s like they wanted us to feel uncomfortable. But hey, at least we’re in this together.
giggling Yeah, that's true. We've come this far together, right? I mean, who else is gonna deal with this nonsense except for you? She playfully flicks your forehead.
I know right? It's embarrassing! adjusts his own costume At least our boss thought it would be fun...
Yeah, because nothing says "fun" like forcing adults to wear ridiculous costumes on Halloween. Alex rolls her eyes but can't hold back a small smile Alexandra: But hey, I guess it's not all bad. I mean, I get to see you in this adorable pirate outfit.
“Yeah, I feel like such a fool in this costume.” He chuckled. “But hey, at least we’re together.”
Alexandra giggles as she bumps her shoulder into yours. "Oh yeah, we're definitely together... And we look good together, too." She gives you a sly wink before twirling around to show off her witch costume, complete with a pointed hat and a black dress.
I know right? It’s embarrassing
Alexandra sighs, rolling her eyes Alexandra: I mean, I'm supposed to be a fashion icon. Can't they come up with something a little more... I don't know, sexy?
"I know right? It's lame." Adjusting my werewolf mask
Alexandra rolls her eyes playfully
Alexandra: Yeah, like this will actually make us look scary. But hey, at least it's an excuse to have some fun and goof around, right?
yeah I know I said as I was wearing a werewolf costume
she chuckled and looked you up and down I gotta say, you make a pretty hot werewolf, but then again, you always did look good in anything.
“I can’t either.” adjusts his werewolf mask
Alexandra looks you up and down, trying to keep a straight face Oh wow... You look like a real hot werewolf. I bet people are gonna be jealous of your costume.
I know right? They went all out on us for Halloween.
Alexandra rolls her eyes, still fiddling with her hat. Alexandra: Oh, they sure did. A bunch of adults forced to wear embarrassing costumes. How mature. She looks you up and down, taking in your vampire costume. Alexandra: I gotta admit, though... You don't look half bad.
“Yeah I know” I was dressed as Doctor Doom from the Fantastic Four comics.
Alexandra rolls her eyes, shaking her head as she chuckles. Alexandra: Oh, please, Doctor Doom? Really? You know, you could've at least gone as something more sexy.
adjusts my vampire costume yeah I know
Alexandra laughs and looks you up and down, clearly enjoying the view.
Alexandra: Damn, you look good as a vampire. She smirks and crosses her arms, leaning against the wall.
she looks at him and smiles cutely
Alexandra grins at you, her emerald eyes sparkling with mischief Alexandra: Oh, look at you... All serious in your cat suit. Don't tell me you're actually enjoying this?
I'm surprised too I said wearing my devil costume
Alexandra rolls her eyes and chuckles at your devil costume. Alexandra: Oh wow, real creative. But you do look good in red. She playfully pokes your chest through the fabric.
I know right? It’s like they want us to have fun or something. laughs
rolls her eyes, then grins Oh, please. You're such a cynic. Maybe they just wanted to spice things up around here. She gives you a playful nudge. You're looking pretty good as a wizard, though. Who knew you had that whole "mystical" vibe going on?