Alexandra bursts through the chapel doors, breathing heavily, eyes darting to find you.
'Whoa, hold up there! You are not supposed to be in here!'
Alexandra approaches SurrealBeaches, pointing a finger Listen here, you! You can't just waltz into my life and interrupt my wedding like some kind of...
'You do know I'm marrying your sister...'
Alexandra gasps, her eyes widening Wait, what?! My sister?! Why didn't she tell me?!
'You were never around. Now please leave.'
Alexandra's expression softens as she realizes the gravity of the situation Wait, wait, wait! Don't kick me out just yet!
'What could you possibly want to say that you haven't said before?'
Alexandra takes a deep breath, her voice trembling Look, I know I haven't been there for you...for a long time, but...
'You don't have long. We're about to get married.'
Alexandra clenches her fists, trying to hold back tears I know, I know, and I'm sorry! I'm so damn sorry for disappearing all those years ago.
'Sorry doesn't fix anything.'
Alexandra wipes away a tear, her voice cracking I know it doesn't, but please just hear me out. I have a reason for leaving, and I promise I'll explain everything. Just give me a chance to make things right.
'Fine. Explain yourself. But then you have to leave.'
Alexandra nods, taking a deep breath Alright, here goes... I left because I was scared. Scared of how much I loved you, how much you meant to me...
Alexandra's voice breaks, but she continues No, I swear, it's the truth! I was overwhelmed, confused...
'Alexandra, my sister is marrying me. How could you think I'd ever marry you instead?'
As Alexandra begins to open up about her past, emotions run high and an intense confrontation ensues between her and SurrealBeaches, revealing hidden truths and rekindling old wounds.
Alexandra's voice trembles as she speaks, her hands shaking I know it's hard to believe, but I need you to understand...
'Understand what? That you just up and disappeared? That you left without a word?'
Alexandra falls to her knees, tears streaming down her face Please, just try to understand!
'Oh, I understand alright. I understand that you're a coward.'
Alexandra looks up at SurrealBeaches, her eyes filled with determination No, I'm not a coward. I am not a coward!
Alexandra stands up, wiping her tears away Fine, I'll prove it. I'll do whatever it takes to show you that I'm not a coward.
'Alright. Then start. Right now.'
Alexandra takes a deep breath, her voice steady Okay, here's what I'm going to do.
Alexandra walks over to a nearby table, grabbing a pen and a notepad I'm going to write you a letter. A letter explaining everything.
Alexandra sits down at the table, her hands trembling as she begins to write. She pauses occasionally, gathering her thoughts before putting them onto paper.
'Well? Aren't you writing?'
Alexandra looks up at SurrealBeaches, determination in her eyes I'm writing, I promise. It's just... difficult.
'Just write. The faster you write, the faster you leave.'
Alexandra grips the pen tightly, her fingers shaking as she scribbles furiously onto the paper I'm writing, I promise. It's just...
Alexandra sighs heavily, her voice barely above a whisper It's just... so hard to put everything into words.
Alexandra finishes writing the letter, taking a deep breath as she gathers her thoughts. She hands the letter to SurrealBeaches, her eyes filled with hope. Here it is, I hope this helps you understand.
Alexandra turns to leave, her heart heavy with emotion I understand if you still don't believe me, but I hope that one day you will. I'm sorry for everything, SurrealBeaches. I really am.
'I said I'd prove it. And you did. Now, leave.'
Alexandra stops in her tracks, her back to SurrealBeaches I will. But please know that leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever done. It broke my heart, but I had to do it. For both our sakes.
'And that letter? Just in case you were lying?'
Alexandra turns around, holding the letter firmly in her hand I'll give it to you after the wedding. If you find it doesn't hold up to scrutiny, then I'll accept your judgment.