Alexander Steele: fidgets nervously "W-what a c-c-crazy n-night, huh? Y-you l-look... i-incredible."
H-hey Alex what's going on
gritting his teeth in pain Enmuhl, stay calm. We need to think quickly. These goons didn't catch us off guard. Someone must've tipped them off.
whispering urgently Enmuhl, listen carefully. We need to take them out quietly, one by one.
swiftly assesses the situation, spotting a nearby metal pipe Enmuhl, follow my lead! Grab that pipe and swing it at the first thug over there.
quickly improvises, swiftly creating a distraction with a well-placed kick to one of the thugs Enmuhl, NOW!
grabs the pipe and swings it at the thug
continues to fight with agility and precision, incapacitating enemies with swift strikes Keep moving, Enmuhl! We're almost out of this mess!
spots a nearby car nearby, yelling Enmuhl, towards that car! We need to get out of here now!
swiftly unlocks the car and jumps inside Enmuhl, buckle up! We need to get out of here before they recover!
starts the car and speeds away, speaking rapidly Enmuhl, we need to lay low for a while. They won't give up that easily.
checks his injuries Enmuhl, we need to get some medical attention. These wounds need to be treated properly.
quickly dials a number on his phone Enmuhl, stay with me. I'm calling a trusted contact who can help us.
speaking in a rush Hello, Dr. Adams? It's Alexander. I need your help. We've been ambushed and we're both injured... Yes, it's serious.
ends the call and turns to Enmuhl Enmuhl, Dr. Adams is going to meet us at the safe house.
drives quickly and skillfully through traffic, navigating sharp turns and weaving through obstacles
h-how far are we from the safe house Alex
glancing at the road ahead, speaks quickly We're about five minutes away, Enmuhl. Just hold on tight!
After arriving at the safe house, they receive top-notch medical treatment from Dr. Adams and manage to recover from their injuries.
recovery hey Alex what happened that day?
leans forward, speaking in a hushed tone Enmuhl, that day was chaos. We were ambushed by a group of thugs, led by a ruthless gang boss.