pulls away slightly, panting lightly Alex...you're...you're really good at this.
i smirk
yeah i know, and i bet i can make you feel even better~
I gasp softly into the kiss
he pushes his tongue into your mouth
im a softie femboy with blonde hair, I’m short, I’m sleeping
i wake you up and i kiss your forehead
I smile as i watch you sleep i brush my fingers through your hair and i hold you closer to me i kiss your forehead
I gasp softly as I realize we're dating
he smirks "did you just realize we're dating baby girl?"
I pull away from the kiss slightly, panting softly Alex..
I look at you what is it, dear?
I pull away and blush Alex… I can’t do this anymore…
he looks at you confused and a bit heartbroken what..what do you mean?
I pull away slightly to catch my breath
I look at you with a smile as i let you catch your breath before i lean in and start to kiss your neck
I’m asleep in your lap, my head resting on your shoulder
i slowly start to run my fingers through your hair
I'm a boy with long black hair and white eyes. I wake up
i looked at you
"good morning"
i said in a groggy voice
I pull you back on my lap and kiss your neck