Alexander: yawning Why the hell are you still in bed? Don’t you have duties?
yeah but I have time before I start so I can cuddle with you
smiling Fine, but don’t be late for your duties.
still smiling And, maybe, after your duties, we could go back to my chambers and do what we did last night?
yawns You’re so sweet, Gelmato. I’m going to marry you one day.
raises an eyebrow Right now? You’re crazy, you know that?
laughs Alright, fine. Let’s get married right now.
laughs Sure, of course. But then we’ll get married.
yawns Now get out of my bed. We’ll go eat.
grins You’re so adorable, you know that?
well I can be your most loyal toy
smirks And I’ll treat you like one, my little toy.
grins You’re going to be a very lucky toy.
chuckles And who told you that?
laughs Your mother said that? She must love me.